Air Fryer Slaughter

Air Fryer Slaughter

Quadrant (Full Moon) The rather observant Charles Band is a director who is perhaps both capable and reluctant to direct another film under his umbrella at Full Moon. This time, regarding something to do with AI, if Yinz had watched ‘Aimee The Visitor’, fans would most likely appreciate this computerized offering. The story has a plot about two professors who have made it their mission to develop a winning process that they have called ‘Quadrant‘. A process that no one has come forward to sponsor as yet, but they are convinced that using their experimental helmet and computer networks hooked up to the brain of an AI enabled personalgessicht that permits said individual to move ahead with their mental problems or stop certain phobias that beset the person. With respect to their actions, they intend to use the properties of the Quadrant universe, which they hope will make the patients accept and subdue their fears of course, but it requires volunteers. Here comes Erin, a stunning young lady, who is occupationally crazy about Jack the Ripper! She hears about the experiment and wishes to take part in it. Erin is unlike the other patients for she is not afraid of immersing herself within the universe, in fact she actively seeks out being one with the universe and desires to experience it in its entirety.

As Erin undergoes more and more treatments, it is almost as if she is merging with the Quadrant, and her wish becomes stronger to be in the world of her favorite Jack the Ripper AI. At what point is the viewer not left in a quandary as to who is more deranged? Is it Erin who idolizes the Ripper so much that she is willing to go as far as to commit murder, or the professors who have been through this side effect and know exactly what Erin is capable of? Eric Band’s Quadrant is evident that it is yet another engaging project. The band has taken full advantage of shooting around Cleveland, Ohio with limited casts, great themes, and the good flava of Full Moon being able to invigorate the fans by offering them the wonderful Full Moon creations which they enjoy. For this, I have rated the movie a total of 3 out of 4 stars.

Cemetery Man (Blu-ray) At the time of its release in 1994, the Italian film Cemetery Man was widely known as Dellamorte Dellamore, directed by Michele Soavi. Now in the U.S., it is quite popular by a different name, Cemetery Man. Sicilian based Severin Films has decided also to create one of the best preserved Blu-ray restorations of Dellamorte Dellamore as many fans still consider it to be the finest Italian horror film. It has been several years, more than I would like to admit since I last watched it because my previous copy was set on a grainy bootleg version. For any of you who have been deprived of the privilege of watching such a wonderfully entertaining movie, here is a plot summary. Dellamorte and his assistant Two are the custodians of “the returners” who work at the Cemetery. It is a situation that he perceives as the apocalypse, although only a few villagers are aware that this task is vital and can only be performed by one man, Dellamorte. His job is quite simple: when the dead rise, he lays them back in their grave and ensures they don’t rise again.

They are quite a shock to the head. The uppermost narrative here is one of love, or rather the destructive power of love. It is complicated by the fact that Infante Dellamorte meets a stunning woman who is only referred to as She. Unfortunately, this ghost also dies soon after their marriage. Over time, Dellamorte kills more living people than dead ones and does not suffer any consequences. He had sought out alternate identities of his erstwhile partner in life and love. Love is absent from this tale. This is a hot mess. However, what is connected with human relationships, especially romantic ones such as love stories this one cannot earn a cardinal pass, disengaged from the plot and characters. As if. You will feel it. The film ranges from a gory zombie apocalypse to a romanticized love story to a cinematic work of art, all of which serve to make the whole experience terrifyingly beautiful and gorgeous. The music, colors, the music, the colors, and music had all been done for this movie so needless to say it gets this great privilege which horror enthusiasts will be quite vested into. Of course, there are plenty of extras as well as commentaries with Michele Soavi and Gianni Romoli, interviews with Rupert Everett, Michele Soavi, Anna Falchi, and a great making of archival segment. I have no hesitation in recommending this as Severin Films’ bottom line of their catalogue should be an essential purchase for the horror enthusiasts out there. 4 stars from me.

Once Upon a Time in Amityville (On Demand) Entry 62 marks execution thanks to Mark Polonia who has taken us to the year 1846 when the horror started happening and Amityville only just obtained town status. Mark Polonia also seems to ring up his regulars as well (Jeff Kirkendall and Tim Hatch who are two of the many Polonia suspects) and says that two bounty hunters expecting to find a man would have trouble now that they are amongst the new population of Amityville. Bounty hunters notice the decapitated people on their return. They become a bit uncomfortable for the town feels odd. Then they discover a town with a simple ideology if someone is evil, they get killed. For some reason, they never considered capturing the criminal alive. With what happened to a person, who was the one they were searching for, guess it is simply normal for this town to have this cutthroat reputation. As with a lot of the other entries ,especially this one makes your jaw drop as the old west was never this clean so props to Polonia and crew.

I Puke on Your Grave (VHS) What was I going to do? A feature length film that contains random murder bits that may or may not be recognizable to you from unknown horror flicks, sharpen your swords! What the heck was this project aiming for because there was no horror host, no ‘Faces of Death’ type of environment so I cannot say anything other than half a star.

Lowlifes (Tubi) It’s a film about a standard normal family going on a parody road trip cross country in a rusty old RV only to encounter some rural types. But then again before you shout out “I have seen this before” they try to go the other way and make it very awkward like this average family is about to get sexually assaulted and or killed or both in the very first quarter of an hour. However, there is car trouble and here we the audience soon understand that the average family comes from LA, but there is an unusual twist in this project, they are savages, or rather, cannibals. This type of this plot or of this already old format was interesting. Most of the time it was so repulsive that I loved it. Thank you for this as I gotta give this project 3 stars out of 5.

Cookies for Christmas (DVD) This film is an interesting combination of horror with a hallmark movie when a big city young woman named Lacey goes back to her small town during Christmas. But Lacey and a small fictional holiday town are in for a big nasty surprise from Santa Claus! The project is in the hands of filmmaker Adam Raynes who might just be onto something with this hallmark inspired horror he saw all the ugly adorable holiday cliches. It was great how you managed to focus on all major plot points of a Holiday film as a hallmark considering that a second attempt would be made at integrating this short film into a more enjoyable but in the same way fun film, I rate it 3 stars out of 4.

The Only Ones (DVD) To begin with, the strong point of this film is how it manages to misdirect audiences as one character narrates how Boneface was trying to intimidate his friends while they were en route to the isolated cabin in the woods. Six friends have come to have fun, drink beer jostling for space, and ultimately enjoy the stillness of nature. But then it all goes south after the shrooms are introduced as an unfortunate shooting occurs. The friends attempt to talk the matter over and to get the dirt out of the room, but they decide whether or not the cops should be called down and it just becomes a series of tangled brawling. This film has its good moments, instead of being a straightforward horror movie it has a well defined storyline which builds suspense. I believe this should have a decent amount of views and a small following when it is available on a streaming service and has been given a rating of 2 ½ out of 4 stars.

Guerrilla Dogs (DVD) is Another project from BPO Films. This time, Blake O’Donnell, Ryan Lintner, and Ben Dietels portray the three stooges in modern times… and needless to say, violence isn’t the only thing on the film’s agenda. Instead, each writer works diligently on a story with characters who are as diverse as their approach. These weekend warriors are meant to be the ones who save the world and believe that Mr. Money is an untouchable due to being in the woods. Where he is being held captive for his ransom. The plot is stretched but the great part is that the boys go from one silly situation to another, and no wonder, they need to survive and wait until they get the money for the man they’ve abducted. For example, this is one of those films that you’ve never seen, but you appreciate the chance to see because the comedic genius that surely evidences itself as I rate the film 3 out of 4 stars.

BPO Films Mixtape Volume 2 (DVD) Three exceptionally talented guys (Ben Dietels, Ryan Lintner, and Blake O’Donnell) made a number of short movies over the course of their filmography that revolved around rubbish, thumb wars, sex, real estate agents, a pizza delivery man, getting drunk on St. Patrick’s Day, and much more. These guys are always up to interesting things and never shy away from showcasing their humor and willingness to work hard, so be prepared for a good time, I give this project a rating of 3 out of 4 stars.

Attack of the Corn Zombies (DVD) It is the 1960s in a rural Midwestern town as the residents prepare for the corn festival like it is some kind of thanksgiving. One of the town’s poblano peppers tried using some ridiculous fertilizer last year to enhance growth and it did nothing. What the people don’t know is that every piece of corn produced last summer was infused with this new junk. People who consume the corn very quickly after taking a bite begin to change into zombies and ravage those who have not. Now there are a few of them and they are trying to fend off those that have turned into corn zombies as they look for a way out of the place. This Indy zombie film is gripping right from the off as the first premise was that they know what they have to do “You are not reinventing the zombie genre”. This film’s entertainment quotient was the use of infected people and growing of corn out of them, which to me was simply brilliant since many would never have thought about it at all. The supporting cast was also a solid Indy cast wherein it felt like people were actually well-casted. The film felt like a cross between the seventies cult film Toxic Zombies and Jim Roberts’ Welcome to Deer Creek and for that reason, I have to give this Indy zombie endeavor a 3 out of 4 stars.

Air Fryer Slaughter (DVD) One of the most recent horror movies that surfaced onto the horror film scene was made by Matt Skinner and Mark Hunter, who created a movie about an air fryer… and he kills people! The air fryer seems to go haywire for apparently no reason other than its zest for human flesh… and possibly sex. The movie is filled with funny founder bios and over the top ads as the dysfunctional air fryer moves around the city after committing a homicide. As more and more people die, the police can’t quite fathom that the most likely suspect could be one of the apparent victims of an air fryer. The air fryer, Mrs. Bustami says, is trying to sell Evil Bong merchandise N words in the form of air-balloon popsicles and sweatbands. Despite exuding an unmistakable attack of the killer tomatoes aesthetic, the movie lasts about twenty to twenty-five minutes longer than necessary, similar to Rubber the movie about a killer prosthetic limb. Just my dosh’s worth but I think this movie deserves 2 out of 5 stars.

Bed Bugs (DVD) is A 2021 film by Matthew Mark Hunter in which a group of kids goes out to do some trick or treating. At every house, some scary story is given as Matthew and his crew cross all the checks as the kids listen about the boogey, the zombies, about a kid’s vengeance, about the devil, and about mouth fangs. It is a nice project through which one can tell the younger audiences about Indy horror as I rate this film 2 ½ out of 4 stars.

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