Tyler is a regret sparing model for the narrator of the film the fight club who has undergone what we can call of life cycle in the sense that he had to pray and use every other means available for him in order to survive.
The first principle Tyler hits home is the necessity to obliterate that old life and construct a new one and that new journey begins quite literally with the obliteration of his body and self image thus enabling him to reconstruct a stronger more resourceful and self aware version of himself That is the first half.
Second half of Fight Club depicts how that model though very useful and idealistic becomes a Dictatorial figure if the hero ever deviates from its absolutist model. That its fundamental role is to aid you in overcoming errant behaviors and to assist you in the selection of the more appropriate path. It is something that you are actually expected to want to get over so as to be able to enjoy life. The span of the fight club to the project Mayhem is designed to explain this. The rest the mindless ones tutor the narrator on his own loyalty to an idea.
Certainly Fight Club is an antifeminist work of art even though I would contend that It is a satire in these emotions into respect for the non existent. They are not being told this purpose or personality for such sentiments it is rage they have to strive for. Whether you are consumer or a non consumerist terrorist it is still a nonsensical dogmatism. It takes away from your being.
Many religious ardent devotees of Fight Club tend to miss the above insight.
Because That’s why I would rather view it as more a tale of learning to let go of the person you think you ought to be and transition into the person you really are. Because at the end of the day anything that Tyler does the narrator does for the narrator, how much I wish to go hardcore sleep with Marla, not give a damn. He is expressing himself through Tyler but Tyler is not him. And that is why he comes to kill the latter. More painfully and literally at the same time Apologies for the spoiler but this has been one for 25 years or so. It’s busying waiting for a movie is not a good time.
The film is extraordinary and should be in every film lover’s top five. This is a meme-factory film with multiple meme-worthy scenes that spawned countless memes. The acting actually stole the show in this film. The novel was written by Chuck Palahnuik and adapted brilliantly to the screen by David Fincher. Both of them did an excellent job in building and fleshing out all characters and the world around them including Tyler Durdon played by Brad Pitt. Edward Norton also did a remarkable job however I still prefer Pitt’s performance slightly more. This film deserves such high praise for many reasons but all boiled down the acting is what sold it to everyone.
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