Coming to My Senses (2011)


Bringing a documentary to life is a difficult task, but it can also be entertaining and informative if executed properly. There lurks a danger, however, that if not done in the right way, it can end up being bland which is something I personally dread. Quite a number of documentaries can be spellbinding at first touch, only to lose their appeal as they move forward regardless of how captivating the topic is. As a result, I approached this particular documentary with an amount of caution – Coming to My Senses.

Dominic Gill, an English filmmaker, directed Coming to My Senses which follows the life of a former motocross biker, Aaron Baker. In April of 1999, Baker sustained a spinal injury while motocrossing and became paralyzed from the neck down for several years. The film features Baker and throws light on his life after therapy and his ultimate challenge – walking 20 miles through Death Valley.

Baker’s story is extremely engaging and holds a lot of inspirational moments. The credit for this goes to Gill who showcases Baker’s life beautifully. Nevertheless, the film could have been exceptional if it were not wrapped in a ‘too careful’ direction, which makes it feel tame and lacking impact.

Conceptualizing problematic and overwhelming topics like these is difficult. Gill chooses to skip over important details like the origins of and severity of the injury, the following economic problems, and the length of time Baker spends scouring for help during recovery. These points make an appearance, although they are hastily addressed before transitioning to a more positive point, such as Baker being montaged in physical therapy set to music. It dilutes the emotion and On a Quest begins to feel less powerful as a documentary.

This is not to say that Coming to My Senses is devoid of any feelings at all. It ranges from the simplistically emotional to the complex when, for example, gill is a silent spectator, observing Baker and his family talk about his injury, the emotionally violent consequences, and the loss they all expect to face. It is during these moments of Coming to My Senses when it becomes all the more profound. These are the key moments that allow people to truly understand the suffering that families like his endure on a constant basis. The simple shot of Baker struggling to get up after he falls in the dessert can capture deep inside feelings about his life and hardships.

The most shocking revelation for the audience and Baker himself is when he pays a visit to another motocross rider whose injury is similar to the one Baker suffered from. The difference here, however, is that the biker has never received any kind of treatment after suffering the injury that he sustained, and even if he wanted to, he does not have access to the tools needed for physical therapy. Although painful to witness, it highlights the type of compassion and concern that is needed for victims such as these athletes Baker and his teammate.

Gill’s direction unfolds quite selectively, as one would expect. Some of the most potent moments in the movie happen during the interviews because of how he wears the camera. Gill manically zooms in so that the subject’s face echoes on the screen, which enables the viewer to take in each and every emotional aspect they portray. Also, he lets their silence run for quite a long time occasionally to show the power of these moments.

In this case, it is problematical area regarding how Gill deals with the issue. He pays attention to the ‘what’ much more than the ‘who’. After seeing Coming to My Senses I understand much of what Baker has achieved, but I have not learned who Baker the person is. In the film, Gill emphasizes too much on Baker’s long distance biking for the SIA, montages of Baker’s rehabilitation, and Baker desert walks, but we are not afforded many glimpses of Aaron Baker the man, son, and person in between those scenes. The best way to capture this is there is overpowering attention to “Superman” and insufficient on Clark Kent. While inspiring to watch Baker accomplishing the impossible, it would have been more relatable to him as a person.

On the whole, Coming to My Senses is quite a decent movie and has the potential to be something much greater. It does have its shortcomings, but it still is sincere and handles its subject matter with utmost respect. So if you feel like being motivated, or enjoy sports documentaries, then the film Coming to My Senses should be on your watchlist.

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