

You’d assume that with now being stuck to their houses more than needed people would physically be banging out film reviews. Instead, I’ve wanted to fully appreciate the free time that I’ve gained. Still, I had to return to the fold eventually. Some of you may not be pleased to see that it is not a horror film, but I personally was looking for something very different. That mood brought me to Justin Lee’s Badland.

Over a decade past the Civil War, Detective Matthias William Breecher’s task is to uncover a number of military militants each of whom has been convicted and sentenced to death by hanging. His quest is met with substantial amounts of conflict along with a degree of interest as the man of order tries to take justice on the lawless.

Baldman keeps it moving with sections or chapters, four to be exact. In these different segments or chapters, the audience is quickly introduced to the world of action that the movie portrays. In the story, Kevin Makely portrays a protagonist named Matthias Breech. In one part of the movie, he finds out that a country singer named Trace Adkins is on a list of criminals that have to pay for their deeds. The meeting swiftly turns violent as the detective has to go through a test which he passes with outstanding results, showcasing the fact that this man is dedicated to his job and knows what he is doing.

The General, the title of the first chapter, is blunt and to the point which sets the pace for the rest of the movie. The Cookes, the next chapter, takes us longer to reach a resolution, which can barely be called a closure.

Mr. Breecher is forced to confront new challenges as he is introduced to new characters along the way that further add additional obstacles in their path.

The last two chapters, named The Sheriff and Breecher, follow along the same lines. Each part reveals the gritty life of a lawman who is under even more threat than before.

I do not know a lot about Westerns, but I remember enjoying some of them. I recently decided to give one or two of those movies a try. From there, I figured it was high time to try out a new movie. 

While I do not know any previous works by Kevin Makely, I do recall seeing some familiar faces in the cast of Badland. That helps me comfortably step into my newest attempt at this genre. 

Notably Bruce Dern (Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, The ‘Burbs), Mira Sorvino (Mimic, The Replacement Killers), Jeff Fahey (Planet Terror, The Lawnmower Man), and my personal favorite, Tony Todd (Candyman), were also supporting actors to help this story come together. 

I wouldn’t say any of the performances were great, but they were well enough that I could enjoy the action without getting taken out of the experience. 

You could say Badland contains all the cliches that come with Westerns, such as bar fights, farmhouse locations, and saloon shootouts. That is fine in my opinion.

Justin Lee, in not one, but both aspects of his work, has done a superb task in telling a story that is heartwarming and filled with violence just enough to entice any viewer. Even though I personally believe that the film relied heavily on dialogue, none of it distracted me from the action unfolding throughout the film’s 117 minutes.

From Cinedigm, Badland is now out on Blu-ray and DVD. If Westerns are your thing and you want a break from horror, then this film is worth your time.

To watch more movies like Badland visit 123Movies.

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