The pet owners will be interested to learn that Finn Taylor’s romcom revolves around a female character having a male cat and dog transforming into some very hunky humans. Unleashed, while never quite reaching the satirical boundaries of its exceptional premise, does manage to provide some moderate chuckles because of its engaging female lead and the haughtily physical performances of her co-stars. Keep your eyes peeled for Ajax, an adorable feline mascot of the film, and the magnificent English bulldog called Summit, also a cast member.
Besides them, the viewers also spot Kate Micucci, another member of the musical comedic performer Garfunkel and Oates, who plays the lead role of Emma, an app designer, which is every movie’s favorite profession these days. After her boyfriend steals her latest innovative design that would have made millions, the depressed Emma moves to San Francisco with her cute cat Ajax and her dog Summit.
Ajax and Summit, horrified by a sudden turn of events one night, dash outside their house like scaredy-cats, and somehow transform into young men — there is no cloth on them, of course. (Don’t go breaking your brain trying to find a sensible explanation, as there is hardly any in body-twisting films like these.) He casts away a look full of binding contempt and pride and waddles down the street laced with fetching self-confidence that shatters women’s libido in droves. He then struts into the modeling industry and earns the nickname “Diego.” Unlike Summitt, looser in the head, who is a bit slow on the uptake and has way too much canine activity left in him, and finds adjustments to his new self a tad more difficult, especially after frantically leaping around for Frisbees in the park.
What triggers most levity in this playful comedy is the men’s inability to restrain their animalistic tendencies. Diego climbs a tree and, true to his feline instincts, starts chasing the goldfish swimming in a bowl. He soon gets hypnotized and realizes he has no way of climbing back down. Formerly known as Summitt, Sean leaps after balls and excitedly grinds against a photocopy machine. He also seems determined to illustrate that dogs are less intelligent than cats.
The story starts taking a rather strange twist when Emma begins dating new men in her life, strangers to her but her reality is much different. This new relationship will only hurt one person in the whole scenario, her love sick neighbor Carl who happened to be smitten with her. In this situation, writer and director taylor decides to keep everything cheesy and at the PG level by restricting all romantic affairs to nothing more than polite, well-mannered friendships.
We would classify the humor of this film as plain and unimaginative , but the humor is too easy to digest. He also introduces a narrative structure that prevents monotony and a lack of engagement in the plot. Out of the many well known places in the Bay Area, the movie adds a twist by using Lombard Street for a segment. Whether she is stepping out of a painting or walking around the block, Micucci’s big and wide eyes make her look endearing and perfect for the role of an unlucky in love heroine. Chatwin and Howey head the film as prized pets were placed in their characters and we have admired them when they pretend to be some animals. Sadly, Astin and Ileana Douglas who play Emma’s boss and her co-worker are wasteful in their new supporting characters and roles. But Hana Mae Lee, on the other hand, perfectly captures the range of emotions from being over supportive to a timid colleague.
Unleashed is one of those light-hearted romantic comedies that has gotten the title of “chick flick.” It is tame for its own good and would have benefited more from its title. However, it is the perfect movie to watch on a quiet evening with some charm to boot.
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