Morris Men (2022)



A covert group battles it out against a group of criminals in a quiet town by the sea.

The premise surely is arguable. This means that a British seaside town is full of gang violence and drug activities, and the main antagonist is a crime lord that goes by the name of Frankie O’Hennessy. On the other hand, there is the Morris Men, an enormous group of dancers, who as a side business happen to be a vigilante organization and they seek to impose order in this town. As these two factions clash, There will be murders and close-quarter battles.

In this storyline, there are some interesting characters. Firstly, thefirst is Frankie the cold-hearted gangster, the major villain of the story. Next is very devoted member of the Morris Men, Sally (Anderson), a hard lifed woman. She is very dedicated to the objectives of the organisation. She has some romance with her ex boyfriend Tommy (Chambers), who is an oscar winner. After serving in the army, Tommy attends the town and ultimately becomes part of the peculiar group. He is a cenral male character, exhibiting ceaseless sorrow due to his war experiences. Lastly there are the Morris Men in general, which, in contrast to the name of their organisation, do, in fact, have female members. Their appearance includes black civilian clothes, hats and face paint . Their activities, other than artistic crimefighting, include doodling martial arts, which consists of predominantly stick fighting, accompanied by dancing, drumming and bagpipe music. Their middle aged leader is Bagman Campling, who has long hair with a beard.

Almost all the watching I have done with grandchildren has included a huge number of fights, and these are among the most exciting parts to watch, like Sally or Tommy throwing punches, using their kicks, or sticks against the bad guys as much as they trained. Alhtough some of the parctices are not all that believable, I still find them amusing.

You can tell that the production didn’t spend much money as the image quality is not very good. The camerawork seems to be of an inexperienced person, and the editing skill is also rather sloppy with excessive dissolve methods. Still, the acting is of a relatively average standard.

The soundtrack is captivating and features a mix of heavy metal, pop, and electronic music. It is very interesting.

This is an action film that has been produced on a tight budget and incorporates a healthy amount of fighting alongside a touch of romance. Issues of redemption and courage are addressed in this film. Although the plot and the fighting make it entertaining, the low production level does drag it down a bit.

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