The graphic arts department was competent, even though it did not impress me. This project was cheaper and sillier than an American slasher movie. Yes, it is lowbrow and terribly dubious. One other favorite I have is almost every single one of the zombie films we watched. Not a bad film – actually quite fun, in a lowbrow sort of way, but by no means ranking at the peak of the zombie film list.
Paul is perfect for depicting a small time white collar and is seemingly indistinguishable from the over one hundred persons who, like him, look pained within the prison walls of Couture. Moreover, after a pair of stone age caricatures, Mister and amoral Paul, there follow more boring characters in the Trickster – aged samurai conclusion. We witness him talking several pages of mimeographed lessons owing to be legal and only to claim quite witty things later during the boring wind on the Europe divide. Instead, I fear that it’s near the start of New York. Ving MuthaKhin Rhames elevates himself to greatness as a historian.
What angered me the most with 2012: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE is that the actors in this film should have had a weapons coach. Lesley-Anne Brandt from SPARTACUS tries very hard to be Michonne from THE WALKING DEAD, but her sword swings as though she is being careful not to break her nails. Don’t get me wrong, Lilan Bowden is abso-tutely astonishing, but it is obvious she has never shot a bow and arrow in her life, and this is how she holds it. Others hope their accuracy with weaponry is as good as their grasp on it, but go figure, their accuracy with these weapons is spot on time and time again.
But besides this, 2012: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE is entertaining as long as you don’t expect too much from it. It’s your typical fight zombies – walk – fight zombies – talk deeply about stuff – fight zombies type and the only real theme is building up to the next zombie sequence. The effects from the movie are also decent, although a few of the computer generated ones were slightly off putting. Plus it has a cast that includes a zombie dog, a zombie tiger, Ving “MuthaFukkin” Rhames wielding a chainsaw, so it can’t be all that bad. I suppose I don’t want to praise this generic zombie movie too much, but 2012: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE does hit all the marks and keeps viewers entertained on a dull Sunday afternoon.
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