Year One (2009)


“Year One” was all around him, and I can guess he had a good heart. Out of all the film’s three writers, he is the head of the bill. In my explanation, I felt as if he must have found some of the lines funny because the things he wrote were downright hilarious. Unfortunately, he was not a lead in his own film.

For some reason, I like to think of myself as a careful person, and so I avoided watching any of the trailers or the ads. With Cera and Jack Black in the lead roles, I assumed the movie revolved around Adam and Eve. Cera certainly has some smooth delicate features. He surely appeared to be Michael Cera in drag, but I wonder why Harold would take that.

No, even when Cera is sometimes acting the part of a woman, he is fully primitive as a caveman. To transform from being a primitive so megalomaniac protective “hunter-gatherer” (which he describes with excitement) to being a royal security officer is quite a big change. They all speak like the rest of the characters in a Judd Apatow comedy.

It’s important to say that jack black and Michael Cera were not meant to be co-stars. At one point, while Black was relatively new to the movie industry, he was considered funny, but now he has sadly opted to break character and just read his lines. Cera plays shy and reserved as he always does, but when he responds to Black, it’s as if he is Juno and Jack is some source of intimidating sarcasm.

In one other major role, Platt takes it away from the others and assumes the character of a high priest. He is an exceedingly hairy man who instructs Cera to cover his chest with oil and massage it. Cera’s close-up of rubbing his matted chest hair is uniquely disgusting. The city has some rather alluring babes, which I must mention happens to be Sodom. Inexplicably as in the case with most of such films, she, as many others in the city, thinks the heroes are incredibly good looking. Cera and Juno Temple as Eema have a good exchange. She plays a slave. “When do you get off?” “Never.”

The best parts of the film are already shown in the trailer and not actually included in the film, which makes the movie devoid of any actual captivating parts. The film is set in what is now Israel, although very few people care to do anything with that. In a Sodomite population, you would expect to find Abraham, Cain, and Abel; for some reason, they are still around in year one which is mindblowing. They were placed, well, before the time of Genesis. Sodom had very little sodomy, which is wonderful because the film had to be cut down from rating to a

The movie features disheveled crowds that wander like they are from a set of “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” alongside gruesome scenes where virgins are thrown into the fiery jaws of a stone bull for human sacrifice, and comically enough, the gods prefer a high priest to a virgin. Even so, “Year One” is a rather bland experience that leaves the audience feeling empty, and as with all other aspects of the movie, the ending does nothing but complete the cycle. Even during the credit scenes, there is no indication that the actors enjoyed themselves.

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