Let’s face the fact, that the audience is aiming at a B-movie and not an art movie, but indeed, this is what makes it all even more beautiful. Any woman who loves all things erotic will tell you that very few B-movies strike her as being excellent. This is a good B-movie it is a far cry from the lifeless erotic thrillers of the nineties on VHS. As far as the genre is concerned, I know horror when I taste it. Just three licks in, and you have that delicious horror aftertaste that doesn’t fade. Its basic tenets revolve around the fear and alienation typical of horror films that appeal to the viewer and don’t let go. This does go beyond pinning someone down and spanking them, although you are going to get that as well. It’s like 50 Shades of Grey mixed with Three on a Meat Hook. It comes along fast and furiously, just like those drugged-up cocktails we see throughout the film. Sure, drugged drinks on purpose are what makes these parties fun. The enema forced upon me in these scenes nearly made me cry so make sure to have a stack of handkerchiefs at hand if you’re a fan of the tears.
The nudity and sex are portrayed in an artistic manner without losing decorum. So many areas where it could have been over more gratuitous and wasn’t. While many may see the ability to gaze upon doll-like bottoms flexing out in maid’s outfits whilst mopping the floor as an unsung opportunity; here, it enables enormous rewards. The use of nudity in some parts of the film helps in building up the emotional aspect of the storyline in those parts. This approach also affirms the realism of the environment within the universe of the film that enables meaningful character growth. That creates scope for a few very good actresses, which ‘We Are Wolves’ has in plenty. We are now in the future where all women need to be proud of this disturbing torture movie and Mallery is the one to thank for it.
Winters is arguably the best performer in the show, she dwarfs everyone else with her emotional charge. She appeals more to the stage as a performer rather than an actress which to be utterly, is what a cult zillionaire is expected to do. If most actors are like flutists who go about performing slightly loudly, Winters gives a sound as if a fuzzed-up distorted guitar has been played that is hectic. Imagine her smashing it over in a vintage Warhol or Waters picture. In all expressions, Kravchenko looks both imposing and very recognizable, I find myself with no choice but to commend her abilities. Although she is only contracted into films after serving, I thought I had been watching her all along. Instead of portraying Selena as the type of post where everyone has chains tied to them, she lets you see however slight it may be, the feelings of Nelly behind the fences. We Are Wolves is a luxurious post-exploitation who wears spiked leathers and struts down to the dark side that feels like live wires shooting into your lap.
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