

There is quite a plethora of Rom-Coms available today to the point that viewers might feel overwhelmed by them. It is as though there are patterns and an overriding approach embraced when making these films. However, every once in a while, you will come across one that makes you think, “Hmm, now this is something I haven’t seen. I loved watching Passionflix’s latest release, Wallbanger.”

Caroline’s life changes once she lands an interior designing assignment in an apartment that can be best described as perfect. Unfortunately, her excitement is short-lived as her enjoyment is interrupted every night by her neighbor Simon, aptly known as ‘The Wall Banger’. Directed by Tosca Musk and based on a book by Alice Clayton, Wallbanger is the extreme end of emotion Caroline has been missing from her life. The animated and boisterous Simon somehow evokes emotions in Caroline that are otherwise absent from her tranquil life.

How did “The Wall Banger” become “The Wall Banger”? Simon inherited the name because of Caroline. The hobbies that always keep him busy are so excessive that even banging on the wall connecting their rooms cannot help him be at peace. This has made lips go as far as referring to banging as wall bangers, all because of Caroline’s complaints about Simon.

Caroline does everything in her power to catch a view of Simon and how his life is. However, all she constantly sees of him is his back as he leaves what she has termed his harem. Caroline is quite irritated by the fact that he has interrupted her rest. This leads to her knocking at Simon’s door yelling angrily after she unsuccessfully obsessively tries to love herself. From this point onwards, Caroline is known as ‘The Pink Nightie Girl’ which you know very well is Simon’s Favorite.

Caroline and Simon first met at her boss’s party. Caroline’s former roommate, Jillian (Roselyn Sanchez) had previously lived in the apartment that Caroline was now renting out. They start arguing but later end up in a surprise steamy kiss. There, a temporary ceasefire is reached.

As in most stories where two people start as enemies and end up as lovers, there is always that ‘will they ‘won’t they’ feel to the situation. However, as Caroline and Simon spend time together, they begin to understand that their differences are not so many. Caroline learns the hard way that she has a wrong impression of Simon. That as she learns his history, there comes up more about the women who shared his bed. I think that was probably one of the most exciting things that I liked most. Even though Simon had sexual encounters with the women, it was more towards actually having a connection of some sort. He did not act extremely or show off his relationships. Rather, he looked after the women and when it was appropriate defended them from Caroline’s comments that were unjust towards them.

Another thing I appreciated about Wallbanger was, that Caroline and Simon did not jump to be in a relationship straight away. There was a tension built prior to that. It was fun seeing them be teasing with playing with each other cause, Berglund and Serafini have a very lovely chemistry. Serafini did an excellent job portraying Simon and Berglund is quite a fierce woman who does not hold back and she is very easy to behold as well. They both executed the sweet awkwardness and the childish bickering quite well.

Once Simon and Caroline’s relationship advanced, she came along to Spain with him for his son’s photography job. There, their bond strengthened and they ended up having intercourse. Sadly, as things turned out, it was not the situation Caroline had anticipated.

Touching her pleasure spots has not worked for Caroline for a long time. A terrible experience with a random man shattered her confidence and she has never been the same ever since. Caroline thought that it will return when she finally snapped up, someone who she wanted to be with, but no. Barbara’s book was again, packed with interesting quirks. For niece Caroline’s ‘big O’, I envisioned Simon to be the one instead I was introduced to how the authors conceive female bodies at such a moment. For some reason, I have always imagined that whenever a woman is experiencing some form of blockage in the physical department, a new hunk appears, and boom, is there to rescue her. I also really liked that Caroline and Simon had a real conversation surrounding it, and how Simon was able to appreciate Caroline’s welfare without making it all about himself.

Wallbanger is sweet and has a really nice plot with some really interesting twists and turns there is a little bit of everything in this movie. Some impersonating matchmaking is done between Caroline and Simon’s friends which include Sophia (Abbey May), Mimi (Cathy Ang), Neil (Cedrick Cooper), and Ryan (Colin Ford). Some trouble from Caroline’s pet cat Clive. And a lot of pastries that are making my mouth water. There is even a small fantasy sequence there and that is all I am going to say. Viewers will have to watch the film to know what I am talking about. Overall, I must say that Wallbanger absolutely delivered. This is a movie that is bound to make it into the watch list of every Rom-Com lover out there.

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