Trophy Heads depicts the life of real Scream Queens, who appeared in their share of horror movie classics during the 80s and 90s. They have moved on with their lives, but an obsessed fan named Max is stuck in the cinematic worlds they starred years ago! With the help of his mother, Max begins to collect the Scream Queens one by one and forces them to film scenes from their movies. The issue is, that they scarcely recall any of the scenes or dialogue, and Max has nefarious new plans for how his favourite movies should end.
The setup for TROPHY HEADS is definitely unique. It grabbed my attention the second I read about it and left me thinking that I must see this movie. The idea of real-life Scream Queens such as Linnea Quigley, Brinke Stevens, Darcy DeMoss, and many more playing themselves and dealing with a demented, obsessed fan is nothing short of amazing. It’s an awesome horror film idea.
So, did it meet my expectations right off the bat? In short, the answer is yes! It’s absolutely fun watching all these actresses on the screen at the same time, and they’re clearly having so much fun.
Watching a new horror movie with scenes from older horror movies with the same actresses cracked me up. It’s easy for people who enjoy 80s and 90s horror like me to appreciate and like the movie Trophy Heads. I mean, come on, let’s accept the reality that all of us are rather biased in sentiment around these things.
The good part is, that the movie has a great premise and presentation that pays homage to the films from the 80s and 90s. If there is a studio that could get this right it is certainly Full Moon, a studio that understands the sub-genre better than anyone else. It is also a bonus that a good portion of the movies featured in Trophy Heads are also of the Full Moon ilk.
The whole horror meta aspect is entertaining. I could not help but smile when Brinke Stevens and Linnea Quigley watched themselves in the film and commented on it. One of the real standouts in this motion picture is Jacqueline Lovell. She has a great sense of humour and brings a certain captivating energy that makes you want to pay attention to her. I’ll probably find copies of The Killer Eye and Head of the Family just to see her again. Jacqueline and Denice Duff also have great chemistry on screen. The two of them critique each other on their films while they are stuck in prison cells and I found it enjoyable to watch!
Another thing that I did not expect but adds to the must-watch appeal of Trophy Heads for horror lovers is the performance of Adam Noble Roberts as Max. He is a wonderful mix of someone who is sympathetic and insane. I hated him and yet I also sympathized with him at the same time.
At the outset, there’s a part that depicts Max in his room indulging in his cherished horror films as well as Scream Queens. The part where he explains to his mother that his life revolves around those ghostly films and that VHS and Scream Queen are slowly fading away from existence is a part that resonated with me as a lover of this nostalgic era of horror films. Of course, I’m not going to stalk and murder people, but I do actively attend conventions and have owned several autographed horror photos from famous actors, Linnea Quigley included. So couldn’t those be classified as my trophy heads? The beauty of the film is that it takes this idea to the horror genre and goes overboard and that’s what horror is, an over-the-top version of reality.
It’s gory, violent, sometimes shocking and even comical. Which, as a lover of this genre, was something that definitely caught my attention. I recommend everybody to watch the film. It is beautifully entertaining for the positive reasons.
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