Tornado Warning (2002)



Having lost her mother in a tornado, just like other brave main characters in Tornado movies, she is in conflict with her father who claims that tornadoes can be predicted. So whenever she has to document his guesses, they are put in a position to try to make it work.

Tornadoes, a what I assume is a comedic mayor, plotholes, a rather slow chase of cars, and some doors being rattled.

Truthfully, Tornado Warning is a TV movie made on a shoe-string budget which comes out in the afternoons. It tries to prioritize relationships over the fairly flimsy CGI and poorly constructed special effects. The issue in this approach is that there must be competent performance as well as writer. At least the acting was up to par. The two main characters make do with what is provided in the script but the script itself contains more than a few odd gaps. Some portions are out of context, some conversations aren’t fluid and the strange person answering a question they weren’t supposed to be asked. However, the situation gets better when a deranged mayor di. Joan Van Ark, as the mayor of the fella which is about to be ravaged by an F5, enters the scene. His overacting and psychotic evil theatrics is a welcome relief – a far better change in tone. That keeps you interested to the very end, even though the tornado itself looked like a pathetic attempt at CGI.

At the very least, the CGI is, uh, bad. Thankfully it is used very sparingly. What’s strange is it incorporasted real life footage that doesn’t relate to the action in any possible way. There are scenes that do not show any destruction yet there is damage done to how a shelter door is supposed to be opened. A house doesn’t get blown away and a car doesn’t move, but people standing in front of it get propelled into the air. It really is an incredibly jarring and frustrating experience.

Other than the mayor who is, brilliant there is some fact shooting that goes on and that is various and the whole, can you/can you not predict the weather is an interesting argument. Other than that everybody is more or less nice which is never bad, but means it is not something that hasn’t been seen before.

I can’t quite understand why a lousy weather forecaster like him needs so many reporters to tail him. Every time I see this spectacle, my first response almost involuntarily is: “Huh?- gulp!”

When I watched the movie, I personally went in looking forward to Thea Gill and her calm ethereal quality, but Joan Van Arc’s “show must go on” scene stealing performance truly had me captivated. The tonal shift is so staggering it is akin to nobody telling her that this film was for adults!

One parent flies downwards under the car while the other one flies upwards. You assume both have died, but no, daddy is alive. The whole scene is really, really weird. Thea’s parents doesn’t can get barely moves, but the car seems to get swept away in tornado. So is the fact someone gets arrested for voicing an opinion in a coffee shop that goes almost unused.

In fact, the major theater in the village is Garry Theatre, Winnipeg. And take note of the spectacle that moves over the entire length of just one street.


Silly and poorly constructed with misguided elements at times, the film has its heart at the right place. It is respectable that the filmmakers set aside the nuek of predicting tornadoes – although there is nothing new about it. However, the rest of it is quite a mess and makes the film stand out for all the wrong reasons. This is not the worst tornado film, but it certainly does not make it to the best.

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