Angel vs demons, spiritual warfare, and how demons fight Christians are the key topics for this faith-centered movie. The intense depiction of the subject and one of the film’s strongest suits, the acting, explicitly demonstrates the filmmakers’ artistic abilities. This film was based off a book written by Bob Leone.
Emily Gateley made sure to excellently potray the character of Lisa McGrath, which was most-likely perfected by Jason Parks who is played by Chandler Hancock. Later on, after helping Lisa collect her school books that she dropped while getting off the bus, Jason becomes Lisa’s wide-eyed boyfriend.
Similarly, Lisa’s life is filled with hardships. She enjoys riding her horse ‘Lucky’ after school and is in eager anticipation to take her first ride. Nonetheless, her parents are incredibly hard on Lisa. In fact, they both are remarkably tougher on her. Later on, we find out that Victoria (Mariah Quake) is demonically possessed. Unfortunately, Travis, her father (Nikolas Mikkelsen) doesn’t come to her aid either.
One evening Lisa returns home to find that Lucky is no longer in the stable. Lisa’s mother had sold him off without telling Lisa. This deeply pains Lisa, but on the bright side, her friend Tina invites her for a Youth bible study, where Lisa meets Jason, the boy who goes to her school. Luckily, she learns that he is in charge of conducting the bible study. Jason, along with some others, offers a session with Lisa to guide her into Christianity. When Lisa performs a transformation to accept Christianity, she is filled with uncontainable joy. She cannot hide the smile on her face. But when Lisa returns home, only to find her mother angry at her for coming home with a Bible. Shortly after, the readers come to learn the truth about her family – both of her parents are possessed.
For sure, this movie is biased towards the spiritually grown. It depicts several characters who are possessed by demons beat up Lisa and Jason, as well as other Christians. And Lisa and Jason are bloodied and hurt. We learn that the demons have a special hatred for Lisa as she can see demons and angels in the spiritual realm. We are told that in 2 Kings the eyes of a man are opened to see many warriors who are standing against the enemies of Elijah. This is given as an explanation for why she has the gift to see the angels and demons.
This show shouts out the power of Christ’s name and the importance of prayer, which I believe is its greatest strength. They did go a little far by showing demons as being powerful than the Christians, as there were scenes where they dealt extreme physical abuse to the Christians. It is conceivable that the images were intended to depict some kind of spiritual warfare, but even so, the demons seem to be way…more powerful than I expected. We also mention somewhere that the demonized people escaped from the place helplessly, which seems to deny the possibility of exercising will to leave the evil decisions. However, the positive side is that the great majority of people who had been possessed at one point or another, are liberated at the end of the movie, and it is largely thanks to the work of angels.
The film has a mystery subplot where a body is discovered in a dumpster, resulting in Jason and Lisa being incorrectly charged with dumping the body. Jason is a ‘middle class shepherd’ who does not own a piece of land, making it tough to work on a daily basis. This accusation made by the enemy, referred to as the devil, is paralleled with that of the film’s theme. In one of the scenes, Pastor Emery played by Adam Thayer, offers counsel and encouragement to pray and thanks to God. A large fight occurs at the end, including with the demons and angels sword fighting and combat using various techniques. One of the fighters happens to be quite skilled at kicking in a martial arts sort of way!
Are the demons defeated in Cloverville; are the parents of Lisa released? Do both Lisa and Jason stay as a couple? These are very pertinent questions that the film caters to. Because of the deep voice of the demon characters, the film is available for kids that are older than twelve. By addressing the words of God, prayer, and Jesus helps solidifies such a claim. This however is not a film that suits everyone and even in this case, Christians should review the content listing to locate where their comfort falls regarding the film
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