What exactly can one wish to achieve with “The Wrath of Becky,” an insipid revenge tale of a teenage girl taking on a cabin full of Neo Nazis? After it follows, “Becky,” which is the underappreciated 2020 revenge saga, where a woman named Becky, played by Lulu Wilson, who is an adolesc
ent killing machine, takes the fight against a group of skinheads.
The Nazis are just that–a genre trope that is unimportant in both movies, as the Wilson’s bratty avenging angel continues her vendetta against a nationalist militia known as The Noble Men. The soft targets who are Neo-Nazis make rooting for their cartoonish deaths, a lot more easier.
It does probably explain why in both movies “Becky” and “The Wrath of Becky” Wilson’s character loses her loved one which acts as her motivation to kill the wannabe fascists. It is true that these idiotic thugs are the stand-ins for Q Loyalists and the Proud Boys, but it is always personal for her.
The sequel, ‘The Wrath of Becky,’ attempts to copy the first movie’s setup but fails to make it believable. Becky, now older and re-established with the same loveable character Wilson, watches as a new group of white men murder someone close to her. During Becky’s adolescent years, the murder of her father, Jeff (Joel McHale) comes off as random, illogical, and extraordinarily unjust–something further corroborated in the first movie. (Soon to kick off, Jeff tries to get now thirteen-year-old Becky to accept and adjust to her new stepmother and sister.)
And leading the drips, is Bex’s first friend from college, Sean (Matt Angel), who is way too slimy for his own good. After Sean’s coffee accident, he and his friends go back to her house, and unwittingly cross paths with Elena (Denise Burse)–the only foster parent Becky cared about in the three years between The Wrath of Becky and Becky. These moments leave an impact on ‘The Wrath of Becky’ as I believe Rebecca Becker swore to reckon upon Sean, and later, the group head to a secluded lake house waiting for further instructions from a missing cult leader, Darryl (Seann William Scott).
It is quite entertaining to watch Darryl’s ragtag band of thugs struggle. Look at it this way: these gentlemen not only killed of Elena, and are also attempting to stage a coup attempt similar to the one on January sixth. Darryl has reason to believe that there is something off with Sean and his team like DJ and Anthony. Pretty soon, Becky makes an appearance and start eliminating Darryl’s henchmen with the assistance of Proud Men’s arsenal and some traps she rigged.
The reason for killing off these bigoted men is a bit farfetched for this brand of post-grindhouse entertainment. Surely, for the sake of argument, if you have made the decision, you cannot return until an apology is made. In The Wrath of Becky, the absurd kill scenes are wrapped in comedy, but only one out of three can be considered reasonably accepted as showcasing juvenile humor.
Directors Matt Angel and Suzanne Coote sometimes refrain from admitting that these kill scenes are the main reason to the sequel, like when they have Becky, a character who keeps losing her family to Nazis, say that “killing stains” like Sean is “a whole helluva lot of fun.” And in case you blink and miss this get-out-of-jail-free card rationale, you can also hear it again when Darryl asks ‘Bringing fun to the fringes. Is that what you call it?” Becky responds with: “Wicked fun.” She said with spunky disdain.
Across “The Wrath of Becky” and “Becky”, it is quite fascinating how the absence of Jewish characters seems to depict the passion to avoid bringing any such characters into the narrative. In “The Wrath of Becky” there appear to be additional black side characters such as Elena, and it would seem as though Darryl and his keyboard army wouldn’t care much more than for what can be considered mediocre racism or anti Semitism. They are merely misogynist redneck scumbags who, no matter how corrupt teenagers are these days, are put through the ringer by a teenage girl preemptively, and actually do get what they deserve! Already, “Becky” has some KKK members inside a forest, led by a muscular Kevin James. Scott, on the other hand, appears to have a lot of resentment, if not flat out anger in most of “The Wrath of Becky” which, relative to James, makes his acting appear weak even more than his peculiar role for “Becky.”
Darryl mildly attempts to manipulate Sean and his friends for some dubious drama who, unaware, manage to tell Becky that she was previously at Darry’s cabin. The way these men are never that revolting or adultery stupid makes them perfect punching bags.
The creators of ‘The Wrath of Becky’ appear to understand the bounds of good taste that Becky’s murder carnival is required to cross, though they never truly cross that line. In the beginning of the film, Becky fantasizes about murdering the obnoxious diner customer (John D. Hickman) that asks her to butter his toast for him. The creators of Becky’s character top off the over the top fantasy with a cringeworthy cut to black–complete with a voiceover that promises us, Becky style, ‘I didn’t actually do it.’ As if there was ever a doubt.
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