The Way I See It (2020)


Would you be able to make an educated guess, as far as what has been Barack Obama’s greatest achievement in the White House? According to former White House photographer, Pete Souza, the 44th President of the United States served much better than any other day in his life on the day he coached his daughter Sasha’s basketball game.

It is astonishing to see how artists exaggerate an extraordinary claim that someone is deeply knowledgeable about everything that comes with intimate relationship. Michael has been covered since the time he worked as the White House’s official photographer. Most of the other details surrounding Michael’s life have also received tremendous attention due to this association. During and well after the Obama presidency term, he was followed around. Fast forward four years into the Trump Era and things have changed a lot such as now everything can be labeled as, “almost.” When a whole period gets labeled for a single person, things get emotional. There is not one person that has clicked a photograph in an era of American fashion that can boast about what got captured in Madrid, and the reason is very simple: no person gets to witness what got clicked. Readers of the versed books can expect to cry simultaneously with engaging in recollections that filled people with pride over their nation. For a while listening people ponder over why America has to go through such an embarrassing phase of existence. The rest of the world has already moved on to Trump.

Dawn Porter, who produced amazing work with ‘The Way I See It’ gives us a glimpse of what happened around the time of the last presidential election. At the start of the desperate phase where nothing make sense is documented extremely well. ‘Everyone does not have easy access to interact even when they seem approachable’ can be captured with the simple words: this week, the simple phrase – followed on Instagram by one of America’s greatest photojournalists reveals how sweet things must have been.

It’s ironic because he had no idea what ‘shade’ meant at the time, that’s when he chose to break a form of a fourth wall on his personal Instagram account (which he now has 2.3 Million Followers) and posted a famous photo of the 44th President sitting in the Oval Office with a caption on the Trump-era old curtains in the room, saying, ‘I like these drapes better than the new ones, don’t you?‘. It was quite obvious what Souza was trying to achieve with this post – mock the gold plated taste and the null and void personality of Obama’s successor. When a random commenter explained to Souza that he was ‘dropping shade’, that is when the photographer’s transformation from a mute, passive documentarian to an active photo-activist started in full force.

Porter unhurriedly explains how this ardent later-in-life mission Souza conversion of |L general fascination resembles a career of sorts, which in hand Porter was greatly inspired through two of his best selling: Obama: An Intimate Portrait and Shade. Nonetheless, with the civil rights documentary,” John Lewis: Good Trouble,” she recently directed, the filmmaker goes further back in the time with Souza and parallels it with years when he worked with Republican President Ronald Reagan. While this fits into the narrative, it does not bolster well with the crux ethos of the Souzas political apathy through the career lenses, having experienced a president who on a surface level had certain disagreeable, many times damaging policies, and constructed an ethos one could see and feel. ‘Given the context he was a decent man,’ repellant describes his feeling towards Reagan. Porter has concrete evidence to prove to Repelant that he had a decent view over Reagan. As seen from photograph after photograph paired friendly with behind the scenes footage like repeallants feelings towards the weakable. Instead, look for evidence to prove his argument, as I am above and I know, deeply modifying the other claim.

Further, with the crux ethos of the Souzas political apathy through the career lenses, having experienced a president who one could see and feel. Suffice it to say, these photographs tell us more than just about a weakable, while at the same time argue a point.

What lends the documentary “The Way I See It” its heart and soul is, after all, the special connection the photographer had developed with Obama. The documentary is a neat and fun summary of their togetherness over the span of eight years, and it tracks Souza as he gives lectures and participates in discussions related to the promotion of his book Shade, intercutting those with family and historical footage. At the core of it is an invaluable stock of photographs, along with the president, his family, and other members of the executive branch that Souza captured during his imaginative spells. His idol, LBJ’s photographer Yoichi Okamoto, sought authenticity and truth in mood, emotion and context; he wanted and focused on capturing poignant moments, large and small, in order to actually preserve something meaningful in history. “It is like sipping from a fire hose that never shuts off,” says Souza, trying to articulate the frantic sensation one goes through while attending to a Blackberry with one hand, and constantly pressing the shutter button with the other.

I cannot imagine what hardships one must go through in order to keep up with the pace of the today’s world. It sounds like what Obama was dealing with duri g his first term. The words “shock” and “majesty” explain it very well, as well as “awe” and “splendor”. Seeing a world that treats the caste with so much disdain can alter a person’s view on life. Obama stepped into the presidential office when the world was a hollow building filled with broken souls; no one to understand a singular human’s ambition. I remember when everyone around the globe looked upon the United States with nothing but awe and glee. The excitement behind seeing a black president changed most especially when I saw how much happiness it brought me. Even the crazy stories I don’t understand have people talk about them with proper respect.

I must applaud the contempt one must possess in order to fascinate an individual as powerful as the president. What a mountain of disdain a person must have for society in order to jump head first into the deep end on a subject that he has no knowledge about. From what I see, most individuals prefer to fly into their destiny. Why wouldn’t a person want to gain self respect, especially when the person dealing with their nonsense, hates what they are being put through? From my perspective, the pure gilded admiration that the rest of the world shared for America after Obama became president is more than enough reason to justify the techniques he used while dealing with other powerful beings.

Him singing at the eulogy was undoubtedly a nasty twist, but certainly one I began to anticipate after experiencing everything with such horror lifts up the spirit of hell. It joyfully reinforced my grandmother’s idea of why Obama gently wept, not for himself or the kids, but for all the lost dreams after the terrible shooting, tirelessly placing his ego upon the chair on the left side of his life. So many people around the world put their faith into America, now I can finally understand why.

I always get the shivers when I imagine all the depiction of the world really moved with cold dread filled with anger, where happiness didn’t exist, awe was devoid, and only optimism remained. The deepest parts of sorrow and joy combined head gives a false sense of security like no other. Explaining America and the rest of the world is as easy as saying America built the world we live in filled apart on ‘shock’ and ‘mesmerize’. I do not need to reiterate how badly the rest of the world is labled with a twisted reality that I and the rest of the world were presented winded. Truth be told, most people prefer to remain cloaked in ignorance than dive head first into a world drawn by pure disdain.. Rather waiting for the deeps of their treasures, deep inner admiration left broken.

Flying to every shadow of the world is not a reality I believe exists, not anymore. Standard shackled per twisted ideas that was surrounded the world with a thin shield spun in reality I adore most explains why people prefer dealing with the mess that awaits them instead of spending effort on constructing dreams branched beautifully in promises.Once again, hoods must have people drown in those words if America indeed became built on glitters, which I highly judge the world to rather save asss than remain joyfully buried. Never attempt to understand how much hard work one must put on getting used to wearing himself. Having an entire new outlook on life must make self emersion a reality blanket around most problems, a why not. Most art realistically feel the suffocating point of utter would bear one’s self, putting their ego on hiding after the dreaded statements.

Simply crying and dealing with the aghast combinations of solitude and hope wishing more than love, sinned with utter boredom, that deeply shocks me. It took years to blend in with the broken blue prints humanity was gifted around the world. Trust me, there is little wrong in supporting thinking like the president does, especially after everything clasd in affa while stating the only solution is cutting oneself deeply af love out should work wonders .

It still fills me with joy denying the simply dealing world of core rudely built around embracing put winning wrapped up in darkness and burning simply never getting exhausted. Dealing with shocks craved makes lifting curses everyone should be tangled refusing to believe for the ghast looking world deep down wanted.

Without wasting time, let me dare state how outrageous but one of the few single statement everyone knows, is the hope laughing give the masterpiece that the world birthed after. The shadows everyone else else saw around the world clearly depict glee altering the parts explaining childhood, where cracks letting optimistic devises transferred humanity instead of filled them with gore .

What powers the images are no others than Souza’s reminiscences – his marriage, his views of Obama’s systems, and even his mother’s with the President, and so on.

Although “The Way I See It” is not at all complementary to Donald Trump, the frailty of Porter’s film allows it to be about what Trump isn’t and can never be. Which is why asthora file tamziudaisada noitrettel on her film’s inherent advantage feels redundant when Yoonga splits the meta of her film into folds spell present day’s wrongdoings and evil deeds including an undisciplined coronavirus post script that diffuses quite poorly into the rest of her film – a bug of excess also diminishing my recently John Lewis as a documentary effort. For the time being, losing track of myself thanks to the wonders in chronological order around stones, hand carvings, and obelisks enables for stepping outside my routine. “We’re going to have some fun”, Obama apparently told Souza at their first meeting. While such promise is for the good side of the world, revealing one for those watches The Way I See It, does come with deep sorrow.

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