THE RIOT AND THE DANCE is a documentary that features Dr. Gordon Wilson travelling the globe discovering different animals. From snakes to seals, and even buffalo! His travels take him everywhere from Montana to Mexico and even Sri Lanka. Dr. Wilson has a very balanced approach to this world by showing how beauty and horror are intertwined, rather than sugarcoating everything. We have a responsibility to tend and protect this Earth as it is broken and far from perfect which is why there are distinct animals that require protection.
Everything from the narration to the animal footage is edited and shot in remarkable detail. The family is sure to enjoy Dr. Wilson’s unique style and how he ties everything in with Scripture. It makes the ride entertaining with spiritual uplift. Although there are references from seals fighting over females, dead animals, and terrifying scenes of animals fighting, it is recommended for parents to keep an eye on their young children to ensure everything stays suitable.
The movie is narrated by Dr. Gordon Wilson, the author of THE RIOT AND THE DANCE: FOUNDATIONAL BIOLOGY, as he deliberates the wonders of God’s marvelous creation from both a scientific and spiritual perspective. Rather than detailing a particular animal in depth like Dr. Wilson does, the viewer is taken on a global voyage to new climates and creatures where he celebrates the intricacies of their design and the One who crafted them. Viewers take in beautifully inspiring shots of the dessert, mountains, and beaches. Creatures like ants, frogs, seals, and snakes are all new wonders of God’s creativity and majesty, each waiting to be revered. Unlike masking creation, Dr. Wilson asserts that when humanity fell, creation too fell. The artist having created beauty also bore the responsibility of pain. With this in mind, viewers are struck with horrors, but they are amiss to the beauty. The viewers see harbor seal living together in peace while being ignorant the elephant seals that ruthlessly battle for mating rights. They witness mothers monkeys reveal their infamous genocide-infantile tendencies. Life as well as death is on display.
While people may dislike particular abstract aspects of these animals, Dr. Wilson urges that there be no utter contempt for any animal that the Lord has chosen to create. Love should be accorded to God’s creation and at the same time appreciating that animals and indeed people require God’s redemption. Dr. Wilson skillfully integrates the Bible into the film, making it necessary to understand the need for a scriptural worldview. He further argues that, because we have been mandated to take dominion of the earth, it becomes very essential that we know as much as possible about our responsibilities and how best to execute them.
THE RIOT AND THE DANCE is splendidly crafted with breathtaking images of land and animal. Even though it would have been better to have more detailed accounts of each separate species, the commentary was still well written and stimulating with a noticeable Christian slant. This movie can be appreciated by all children, older and younger; however, watching it with younger children is not recommended due to some footage of deceased animals and animals being eaten as well as fighting scenes that some might find distressing, and suggestive references to seal “hares” and fighting for females.
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