“The Real Bros of Simi Valley” told the story of four middle-aged guys who left school a long time ago yet come to the realization of still being in secondary school. This story began its journey on YouTube – from 2018, the show had three full seasons. The series had a mockumentary format and was a parody of hit reality shows, for instance, “The Real Housewives” and “Jersey Shore.” The time has come for “The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie”, which can now be seen on Roku. This new show once again features four men that are ready to do anything to win the Truck of the Year award that was handed at a high school reunion that took place ten years after them graduated from high school.
The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie characters: Review of the cast and their stories:
The self-entitled motion picture documentary entitled “The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie” showcases four men some time in their early thirties, who dressed like 16-year-olds with the mental attitude of a 16-year-old. Also try to show their importance to the alumni and everyone else by showcasing the Truck of the Year award they are winners of.
What is the basic plot of ‘The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie?’
The original series ‘The Real Bros of Simi Valley’ featured four buddies Xander (the one played by Jimmy Tatro), Duncan (Nick Colletti), Wade (Cody Co), and Bryce (Getter), all hailing from Simi Valley, California as its main protagonist. For 3 seasons, it was focusing on their transition to adulthood as they started taking charge of their lives. Xan took a job in the mechanical garage and married Molly (Colleen Donovan). During the series, Bryce broke his leg in a skateboarding accident and had the ridiculous beef with Xander’s young son. At the same time, Wade and Duncan were in a fight with their fathers. Duncan opened his own surf shop while trying to juggle two of his girlfriends Tessa (Monette Moio) and Dani (Madeline Whitby).
These ‘bros’ have a lot of fond memories about high school when they were the most popular and did not have any responsibilities whatsoever. In the new film, they are seen working for their own money but still maintaining their usual ‘ kid in an adult’s body’ persona. For instance, Xander goes out to buy a truck impulsively without getting Molly’s say on it. His first call is to his team and their spouses stating that it is an emergency. Then, Xander emerges adorned with his all brand-new truck which astonishes the men but bothers their wives. Xander is very strongly warned by Molly about their relationship and how she will end it, if he does not listen. The next thing they do is look forward to the 10-year school reunion which is announced and the excitement levels are noticeably high.
What is the real motivation behind the squad’s request for the best truck?
The adult Xander’s squad still feels nostalgic of their high school days and wishes to experience those stress-free days once again. Instead, they are facing issues in their current times. Duncan is romantically involved with Tessa & Dani both but, Tessa & Dani are unaware of it. Wade still behaves like a stoner, even if he rarely gets high. Xander wishes to achieve the Truck of the Year title and has hopes that he will achieve it like his father & grandfather. Looking for a truck, he gets to see his classmate, Jatthew (Tyler Posey), getting behind the wheels of a much larger vehicle. Jatthew is already showcasing his new lifestyle. This makes Xavier and his squad feel down, overwhelmed by the situation.
A scene from “The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie” (2024)
After returning home, Molly is still vexed at Xander’s decision to purchase a truck. In the course of their talking, Dani mentions that she has the ability to bring things into existence which Lexy (Monica Sherer) considers annoying. In all honesty, Lexy understands that Dani can speak such nonsense, thanks to the riches of her parents. Yet, she does not say it directly to Dani. Johnny (Peter Gilroy) just sits out in the garden eavesdropping on their argument. He assists Duncan in concealing the fact that he is seeing Dani and Tessa at the same time. At the same time, the team goes to visit Jatthew and Agoura (Zoey Deutch) in their amazing and expensive home. Xander\’s reaction to Agoura\’s makeover was that of shock. He and Jatthew find themselves wishing to flaunt their masculinity through the most ridiculous things – in this case, the amount of weight they can lift.
What does Xander do to beat other contestants for the ‘best truck’ award?
While attending Jatthew’s party, Wade & Duncan look around the pool area, only to find a famous snowboarder, Shaun White. They start bickering over White’s presence. Then, back home, the gang resolves that they are all zeroes as compared to Jatthew and his clan. Still, they look forward to meeting each other’s company as well as imitating the extravagant lifestyle as seen on Instagram. Wade decides to start a new normal including diet and exercise. Xander feels uneasy and sets out to purchase a truck that would look better than that of Jatthew. Concurrently, Bryce, who works as a schoolteacher, approaches Principal Mrs Bundy (Retta) in an effort to raise his self-worth. However, she said that she would not be making him second in command.
What steps do Xander’s squad take in order to increase their self-importance?
Bryce revealed his thoughts in class ahead of the students’ submission of any of the tasks claiming that the plan did not work out as intended. They try to encourage him for their college recommendation letters. To do this, Bryce considers a treason act, and therefore, he modifies their marks from A to F. In the meantime, Dani & Tessa learn that Duncan is in a relationship with both of them, and therefore, they decide to part ways with him. Agoura attempts to convince Molly, Lexy, and Wade, who want to invest in her pyramid scam. Molly sounds willing to play the game as although she sees it, it’s a ‘tunnel scheme. Xander has almost all his business strategies of selling the ball sacks in depth. Therefore, he is unable to make further developments to his truck in order to meet the standards of Jatthew’s truck. Subsequently, Wade comes to understand how Aldis (Christian A Piece) who was his roommate in college has started dating his former girlfriend.
Bryce still has an issue with Xander’s son even when the son is old (and older than them for some reason). Duncan seeks to reconcile with Dani & Tessa motivated by the triple in Oliver Stone’s movie “Savages.” In the next steps, Dani launches her podcast with Wade, because she ‘loves to hear herself speak!’ Those with such expectations are called ‘losers’. In other news, Zita has been busy promoting her HR services while Molly’s real estate firm has decided to host a realtor open house function at Jatthew’s residence. Xander gets her to watch over Jatthew’s house while he takes off with Jatthew’s pick-up truck. This is how he hopes to achieve the Truck of the Year award.
The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie (2024) Ending Scene Analysis:
Over at Jatthew’s open house, Agoura & friends intimidate Molly by showing off their sales they made recently to make her feel inferior and insecure. Xander has a team that ransacks the place to steal the pick-up truck. Molly is heard suggesting the option of selling theirs to her friend. It all escalates until I see Xander standing in front of me, and I speak directly about this. He adores the scheme because it will finance his car repairs. Initially, however, he acts as though he is doing it only for her. Moments later, Jatthew walks in and catches Xander in his house. So, Xander abandons The Big Idea. Wade observes Bryce and Tessa engage in some heavy necking.
With his father being reluctant to lend a hand, Xander goes on to make his dream truck together with his colleague and arrives at the reunion with his group. They run into their former peers and boast of their lives after high school. After this, the classmates turn the tables and talk about their lives and make Xander’s clan feel bad about all their life decisions. Mrs. Bundy attempts to take Wade out of the party. However, Lexy kisses Wade and acts as if she is his partner. Wade then proceeds to tell his squad about Bryce and Tessa. Duncan reconciles with Dani and resumes their relationship, but he is filled with envy towards Tessa who is now with Bryce.
Xander’s squad basks in the glory of recent victories and lose track of what is important: the meaningless trophy. Soon after that, however, comes the most unexpected trophy – Jatthew’s truck, which leaves them in disbelief. Jatthew drives in with his massive truck and reveals to Xander\’s squad that he has always known they meant to steal it. Just as Jatthew and Agoura are about to brawl with the other squads, the authorities come to Jatthew & Agoura for Palmitore’s conviction. Jatthew happens to be the one arrested and therefore, Truck of the Year goes to Xander’s squad. Toward the end of the movie, however, Xander’s team reunites after the passing of his kid. Wade, however, does not let go of their fight.
The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie (2024) Movie Review:
The new millennium saw a surge in the popularity of more man-children who once dominated television shows and movies including Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, Kevin James or Mark Wahlberg: a premise that was hard to mess up. Later, “21 Jump Street” and its sequel made fun of this film concept and all its clichés. Billy Eichner even poked fun at such arrested developments in the way he spoke to street portraying ‘gym bros.’ And now The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie mocks a stereotype that in fact used to be the author’s own brand. But definitely takes it up a notch and isn’t for everyone, especially for those who haven’t seen the popular television shows it references.
But as in any system all of these ridiculous ideas presented themselves in a different way. There are men who show off their preposterous traits and view women as an impressive collection. Typical representations of women include toys for guys, nonstop gossip, and jealousy cliches that are pretty much the male gaze to a ‘T’. This self-producing sitcom parody makes perfect sense because the key creative personnel are all people who were teenagers when that is precisely when these people in real life here try to look like. These versions of themselves tend to be their only ones and are approvingly suggestive that they do not want to mature.
The Parody
“The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie” is not a movie that has the desire to be intellectual nor does it have the ambition of doing so. It’s a light-hearted satire on the archetype of the ‘man-child’, its silly trophy bathes and girlfriend tweaks and perfectly self-deprecates. To some audience members, the archetypes in questions might be irritating inherently. In such cases, the film is plain annoying. Still, however, if your willing to suspend your disbelief and immerse into the crassness, it is a wonderful experience. It doesn’t hide its silliness; rather, it embraces it as an achievement. It does the same that all those trashy reality shows do but with an awareness that allows them to poke fun at such overdone drama. This means that those who follow these reality shows will not be offended at all. On the contrary, they and other viewers who are only familiar with its structure will be largely amused for the most part.
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