The Killing Tree (2022)



The Killing Tree, once called Demonic Christmas Tree, throws the viewer into the middle of a preposterous premise that promises to be painfully entertaining. However, it doesn’t come without immense underlying problems, and there are far too many to count.

For medium shots, the film employs a barley-mobile man in a suit with shoes that show way too often. For wide shots, they use close-up CGI and an incredibly dexterous CGI monstrosity that wears trunks and pumps out killer vines from its torso. The trek of comprehension is left to us observers, as this is quite disturbing, to say the least, and causes the danger level of the monster to fluctuate drastically throughout the film.

The Killing Tree appears to lack broadness, as a dull story paired with stale slaughters is formulated. This bloodthirsty tree is nothing more than Chucky’s rendition enshrouded with Christmas decorations and tacky lights. Right down to the trophy wife and killer doll’s death to take over the body personas, and the ridiculously goofy, yet terrifying character.

The Killing Tree relies on a lazy, forgotten slasher trope of a possessed (insert item here) going on a killing spree against a dozen personality-bereft prom girls. Bafflingly, most of the film involves the so-called characters having pointless conversations, and any attempt to feel pity for them or make these blank slates pretend to be three-dimensional people fails.

The majority of the cast looks like they came from some third rate Hollyoaks production set and unfortunately, they are given the dialogue to match their looks. The one exception is the actor playing the killer’s wife, she provides a highly entertaining performance that would be more fitting on a Hammer horror movie as the over-the-top insane sidekick.

Probably the funniest aspect of this film is that the script makes it abundantly clear that it was never set in the UK until the budget restraints forced the previously American set film to be set in the UK.

Thus we get scenes of Essex girls called Cindy and Tina who are portrayed as eggnog guzzling skimpily dressed ‘sexy’ Santa girls running around outside in the middle of the British winter.

One of the most unexpected was a free sex scene that was set in the English manor’s outdoor swimming pool. Seriously, these people need to visit the UK in December.

Even with all of those issues, the film remains entertaining. Some of the shallowly pathetic lines will have you rolling your eyes and the scenes with the man-tree wandering around are also laughable. Moreover, the film has a few of those insane, head-scratching, what the actual fuck twists at the end which were so crazy, I just had to give credit where it’s due.

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