Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are said to be the basic elements of matter in astrology. They are deeply rooted in mythology and magic. We should also include the human element since, even in the context of geology where our impact is on par with, or even more influential than other forces humanity’s impact on Earth is so profound that we are currently in what is called the Anthropocene Era.
As climate chaos reigns, the impact of the Human Element becomes ever more apparent. In a captivating new documentary from the makers of RACING EXTINCTION, THE COVE and CHASING ICE, environmental photographer James Balog documents the daily lives of ordinary Americans bearing the brunt of global warming. RARELY HAVE PEOPLE SEEN SUCH COMPASSION & HEART, THE HUMAN ELEMENT challenges us to rethink how we relate to the natural world.
The Elemental human focuses on the often disregarded collateral damage of climate change. Balog meets this fishing community on Tangier Island which is looking at an impending sea level rise and the obliteration of their existence. We also encounter Yadira Sanchez and her three children who, along with bolstering from an asthma stricken state, live in Denver, Colorado where there kids go to an air special needs school. Balog accompanies some Cal Fire strike teams on a mission in the state’s most costly wildfire to date. He explores the unemployed miners in the Kentucky coal region who are finding hope from somewhere new. The intriguing Balog’s goal is to showcase how the entire human race is and will forever remain a part of nature, nowhere separate from it. Once balanced, he has enormous faith that system will reinstate the single most crucial component, the human element.
Southern Oregon Climate Action will present ‘The Human Element’ which is a new documentary by James Balog at his regular monthly meeting on January 28 at the public library in Medford. It is claimed that the documentary’s length is one hour and twenty minutes, therefore, SOCAN programs are set between 6:00 and 8:00 pm. The SOCAN programs have no fee and everyone is invited to join.
This previous year has set records in terms of calamitous natural disasters that have occurred in our country. Sheer wildfires destroy the West Coast of America and the Eastern gulfs are overwhelmed by sea level rise. People see horrifying scenes of families attempting to flee their homes and the news plays them non-stop. Never ending floods and fires are the new status quo. We however, offer donations and rally for the victims during these cringe moments. For the majority of the population however, life moves on and we go back to our everyday lives. Until it happens again.
Balog manages to capture perfectly how the elements erode the Earth in days months, and years. The documentary starts off with time lapse footage somewhat set up in 2005 by him for the Extreme Ice Survey. The footage showcased how ice retreated with time. At the end of the day, billions of tons of glaciers melting into the sea causes the rise of sea levels. This leads to an enormous increase of land which is consumed.
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