The Hanged Man (1974)



Every year, and for America’s top five TV channels, several new television shows begin. This means that most of these new programs are cut off after their first season – sometimes even before they complete it. It is like throwing a bunch of noodles at the wall; while most will fall flat on the floor a few will stick to the surface. However, some consider this just as an inane exercise which completely ignores all the hard work put into making any one show. All this work must be done by the producers of such films from scratch. First, they have to come up with an idea for a brand new program. And having a great idea is not enough, but you need to introduce it in such way that networks can agree to accept it. Occasionally though, both the original ideas and their presentation could be really bad making sure that no one would watch it anyway. Once I stumbled upon this story when I was reading about worst TV series ever written.”

You know an upcoming writer had succeeded in having a private talk with a certain executive from the television network. The writer said, “It’s all about a horse that can talk but only his owner can hear him and they get into all sorts of adventures…” At this point, the network executive interrupted the writer and politely told him, “But there was already a show like that. It was called Mr. Ed.”

This did not change anything for the writer. The next statement made by the writer to the network executive went as follows: “No, this is completely different. The horse only speaks Italian.”

Suppose you are now a writer or producer who is more sensible than your colleagues and has caught the interest of network executives. You didn’t win yet. Now you have been asked by the network to furnish them with a pilot script for your show idea on TV which you may be aware cannot be written as a typical episode of your envisioned series

Therefore, you have to set up the situation and characters, so those who will watch will get the general idea of what a series will be about (if it is picked up for more episodes) in the coming weeks. Additionally, you should phrase your writing in such a way that it grabs the attention of the network executives. But let’s say you are able to present a pilot script that appeals to network executives. However, this does not mean one can go ahead with shooting immediately. Casting needs to be carried out first as actors need to be chosen for different characters in your proposed TV series. You might have identified an actor but then TV network tells you no and forces you cast somebody else altogether. (The producers of The Brady Bunch wanted to cast the then-unknown Gene Hackman as Mike Brady, but the network told them to cast someone more well-known.) In any case now let us say that you somehow managed to make a successful pilot film. After this, the network will view it – together with other pilots – and decide whether your pilot stands out enough from others among them all

During my research for this review, I came across one source that stated only a quarter of TV pilots made were actually turned into TV series. However, let’s assume they accept your pilot and give you a go-ahead to produce the show. You will be free to make it but then rely on the network’s decision regarding the best time slot and promotional campaign to get your show out there. But even so, even if all goes well with all your efforts plus those of the network, still there is always room for possible failure when nobody tunes in at all.

This is why producers have tried numerous schemes that can make this job a bit of more simply. One such scheme is called the spin-off. The series, ‘The Hanged Man’ can be used as an example of spin-off in which one episode focus on specific characters from the show, or introduce new characters altogether and present that episode to network executives for consideration as a potential pilot. In the 70s and 80s, another strategy was in use referred to as “backdoor pilots.” These movie pilots were made into separate films, thus if these movie pilots weren’t subsequently made into series by the networks, they could still be broadcast as a movie-of-the-week. (Remember that it was also during this time period when made-for-TV movies reigned.) A classic example of a backdoor pilot is “The Hanged Man” although I am not sure whether it was rejected before or after being aired as a possible series on television.

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