The Green Deal

The Green Deal


Carole lives in quiet peace in France where she teaches English. Her peaceful world quickly shatters when she receives information that her son Martin, who was in Indonesia doing some PhD research is in jail for an alleged small-time drug dealing and is facing the death penalty. Knowing fully well that his son would not get into such trouble, Carole later learns that Martin happens to be a victim who witnessed a lot of crimes against powerful palm oil producers. As a result, to save her son and her family, she visits the trial to expose the powerful lobbies behind these so-called “biofuels”. However, she quickly realizes that in order to save Martin, she will have to identify the forces that are destroying the environment and risk the lives of millions.

French deputy Edouard Bergeon who is known for his debut feature film “In the Name of the Land”, a César-nominated movie that grossed well in 2019 has published yet another eco-thriller called “The Green Deal”.

The film, which was among other things shot in the Indonesian forest, has been acquired by Playtime who are expected to introduce the film to potential buyers in Toronto.

The film “The Green Deal” examines crimes and clashing interests involving a palm oil monopoly and biofuels. It was produced by Nord-Ouest Films, owned by Christophe Rossignon and Philip Böeffard, who are famously behind “Merry Christmas” and more recently Pierre Guyard produced Thomas Cailley’s “The Animal Kingdom”.

The plot of the film centers around Alexandra Lamy as Carole, an English teacher who lives a quiet existence in a rural area in France. Her breakfast is ruined when she receives news about her son Martin who had been pursuing his PhD in Indonesia and who has been arrested in Borneo on drug trafficking charges which can bring with it the death penalty.

Despite being sure of her son’s innocence Carole learns that her son, Martin, is a key witness to the horrible crimes of the violent palm oil business with the aid of their international benefactors and sponsors. In her efforts to rescue her son and uncover the veil of secrecy surrounding the palm oil industry, Carole goes to Indonesia to confront the lobbies that push for “biofuels” and other palm oil derivatives.

The movie is a joint project by France 2 Cinema and Belgium’s Artémis Productions. Diaphana Distribution, which previously released films such as Cannes prize-winning Close and the Oscar winner Drive My Car and also Titane will oversee the domestic distribution.

Bergeon, who previously worked as a journalist, switched to filmmaking and earned big praise in the industry with the debut feature In The Name Of The Land, which was a dramatization based on real-life events coupled with his family history. The film received three nominations at Cesar, becoming one of the highest-grossing French films in 2019.

Playtime participates in the Venice Film Festival with a number of films including Celine Rouzet’s ‘For Night Will Come’ and Delphine Girard’s ‘Through the Night’.

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