Neither is “The Female Bunch” well made on any level. As a disclaimer, some notes should be set down for the record: history will record it as the last film booked into the Oriental Theater. Among the last movies to be shown in the Stock Exchange, The Oriental beats all expectations in closing its movie exhibition business with “The Female Bunch.” There’s a lesson in there somewhere, I suppose.
Now, “The Female Bunch” goes beyond chasing activity for sexy women and provides a really useful document for anyone studying the demise and collapse of the idiotic sex symbol. It is a film about women who have a disdain for men. You see, according to one of the flashbacks, women are handling men affectionately, even despising them. Men are indeed beasts who adore and then abandon women, or at the very least, break dates with them. It is indeed a shame, but the response of the women posited in the movie is rather excessive.
There is an old drunk man who is allowed here and no one else is. All of them have come together on a concealed ranch, which is a restricted area for men. The women on the ranch dress up in boots, wield whips, and catch the camera’s gaze from a towering height. It appears that the women have thoroughly studied sadomasochistic pornography. New girls on the ranch have it easy now; to ‘pledge’ into the place, all they have to do is get buried into a flimsy casket for 10 seconds. This is a lot easier than getting into a good fraternity. They smuggle heroin in while getting into drunken orgies and riding over the Mexican border.
Unfortunately, their conduct with respect to the Mexican side of the frontier is rather lenient. They all are so harsh girls in leather suits, crushing one another with whips and the moment they sniff tequila they become wild. They leap into this Mexican dive like a secretary’s pool leaps into Butch McGuire’s, and in five minutes, they are spread across the laps of all men facing them while two of them get roofied in the sawdust of the floor. If this is loose for sadistic man-hating women, you might be right. Barroom chippies in old westerns at least had class over these.
The reason might lie within the casting. The female actors are mostly what would have been sex symbols, ex-go-go dancers and some Vegas cocktail waitresses: All of their previous training was in sex objectification and they look ridiculous on horseback. In one shot, a girl sitting on the fence just kind of swings her whip while another girl arrives in a car. They don’t snarl, spit or give commands. Instead, with a smile one says, “Sally! Long time no see!”
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