The Crush (1993)



The film The Crush focuses on a much younger 14-year-old girl by name Adrian and her extremely wealthy parents. The parents are busy with their riches to even pay Adrian any mind. So much so, that they have a mini house on the property that they use as a vacation rental during summers, effectively running an AirBNB business before Air BNB ever existed.

With there being a condo summer rental, It becomes part of the life of a dashing young man in his late twenties, who is a budding journalist. He comes Cuban cigar smoking with a cool retro car and drives a mean ride which causes the gent, let’s call him Adrian, to strike up a friendship. In a very childish manner, Adrian assumes that the man is super into her which after casual flirting with mixed signals. In typical clueless dude manner, the man gets himself a girlfriend instead. Girlfriend seems to have a better idea than dude, and softly tells him to take heed to the fact that getting aroused is dangerous. But he dismisses her warning entirely and is off to skip parties to flaunt his cool cars. After which Adrian then goes on to set him up with an associated called launching him into a bee sending his gratitude. Long story short, he seems to think he always has a point of why my girlfriend has literally no deadlines whilst I do… Oh wait I want to die? Adrian tries her hand in painless swallow. She builds shrines to capture his wonder which seems to be functioning and the shocking part remains… I mean while embracing the chance of beating the shit out of him isn’t all that Ride is by far the creepiest camping right now. To absolutely my surprise not expecting what on earth he does. I witnessed it conclude with a rather wow winning performance.

Despite all of the cinematic shortcomings, ‘The Crush’ does an admirable job of depicting the frenzy of a teenage crush. At times, it feels like a rushed ‘made-for-tv’ version of Lolita where the crippling plot holes and absurd situation get blended into an one and a half hour long film that is obnoxiously fast paced. Still, there’s an odd sense of enjoyment while watching.

Always remember, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet managed to fall in love for a duration of five days, which ended up culminating in a bloodbath. So, yes, teenage infatuations are always short lived and The Crush encapsulates that idea superbly.

Overall, the film does miss the mark on several occasions. There’s no denying that the film is entertaining and engaging. It’s accessible for people of all demographics and allows every viewer to grab a piece, or two, of what’s left throughout the entire movie. It’s truly one of those films that keep the audience strapped in for every second duration of it without slowing down.

To summarize everything within a few lines, Air BnB’s have increased the rate people are dying, Cuba’s have a class divide, and there exists children of rich parents with immense free time…and a hive of bees.

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