The Brink (2006)



The Brink (2006): 3 out of 10: In the work of screenwriter Dan Lee Brinton, who also produced “The Brink”, Director Carsen Moore presents the film as anchored by a decent performance by supporting actress Heather Ashley Chase. For a low budget movie, this looks pretty decent.

No stills available for The Brink. If you want to watch it, it is presently aired on Tubi.

Everything else is perfect except for the fact that The Brink is as slow-paced as Manos: The Hands of Fate and the dialogues resemble that of a PSA.

The movie is about a young woman who becomes obsessed with an intricate set of plans for an invention called a spirit radio that was developed by Thomas Edison. Does she sell them at auction and adore for dozens of millions in one of her first milestones? Nah. She rounds up a couple of friends and sets off to an eerie deserted house and plans to construct the spirit radio there. (There are no hints for guessing that the house is haunted and no, if you do not believe that she is fixated on this particular house, the foreshadowing in the scripts is over the top and will put this puzzle together for you.)

MST3K might have some issues with The Brink. In first place, there is too much chatter and nothing is actually happening. On the other hand, RiffTrax rocked that snooze-fest Terror at Tenkiller, so I may not give them enough credit.

It seems this part wholly accounts for 50% of the film. And given that by definition, nothing startling can take place until the ghost radio is switched on, it is exceptionally ordinary? (The outrageous wording these poor actors are obliged to articulate always seems to make the proceedings stretch out even further) Obviously, no one bothered to notify the script of this self evident notion so we are subjected to ceaseless series of cuts involving characters unloading the car as the music warns us of Doom Ready To Strike. I am still uncertain about what horrific fate our filmmakers envisioned us imagining occurring in the gap between the car trunk and kitchen table.

So, has the new Top Gun movie already come out? Is it set for release? Do we care that much about China that we are still airbrushing the Taiwanese flag from Tom’s flight jacket? Man, 2020 is a weird year.

The ghosts do show up finally, and in all honesty, outside of a pathetic Andrea Yates type sequence at the end, they are devoid of any terrifying or impressive features.

Without a doubt, The Brink perplexes me at times with its storyline. (The lead talks about her younger sibling and a decides to look for a doll she once owned, but somehow in some other scenes she is a clearly a toddler. You are trying to open a functional suitcase at the shoulder of a heavily trafficked road, why? You are going to have to check a house you have never been to, so you bring extra fuses for a but are not carrying fuses for the apparatus you constructed.) Besides, there is absolutely no way to use a standard ghost radio to speak with the departed. What you require is a ghost CB radio, that would be awesome.

The fact that one day someone in the far future will do a picture search on The Brink and see Godzilla standing against tanks fills me with joy.

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