The Big Easy (1986)



The Big Easy” being one of the most potent American films in a year, also happens to be a very good thriller. I say ‘happens’ because the plot of this movie is a mere excuse for its true strength, the creation of a group of characters so fascinating, so intricate, and so innovative that a lot of other movie people look like cardboard cutouts.

The movie is located in New Orleans, that most enigmatic of American cities, where you literally feel that you will never fully come to grips with what happens in those hidden walkways that venture into the damp green courtyards which are heavily concealed from the street.

The protagonists of the movie are two officers of the law, Remy (Dennis Quaid), a vice cop and Anne (Ellen Barkin), the special prosecutor for the D.A. They meet at the office over the corpse of a Mafia functionary and naturally, they are instantly drawn to each other.

So far, there have been no revelations. However, upon arriving at the dinner restaurant, Remy is accused by Anne of corruption when he declines to accept their payment. She is likewise accused of ignorance regarding the way things work. We later find out more about the system in New Orleans and are able to grasp the deeper aspects of Remy’s character. He is a bad cop in ways he has rationalized such as small-time corruption, but in ways that really count, is a good cop. For instance, he does not bat an eye to the illegal ‘widows and orphans fund’ of the department, because in his case, it is helping him pay for his kid brother’s college education.

The killing spree continues. We also see Anne and Remy share one of the most passionate love scenes I have witnessed on screen, and even better, the couple does not come to the bed with all the confidence of the sexual Olympics, but instead, with the self-consciousness of people almost afraid that it can be real.

Their tale is filled with characters that are meticulously crafted and character actors that are carefully selected, which makes the movie captivating at every single moment, even when there does not seem to be anything going on.

My preferred supporting role in the film is that of the defense lawyer portrayed by Charles Ludlam, who dons a Panama hat and a summer suit while conversing in a rapid-fire, high-pitched Cajun accent that is reminiscent of Ted Capote and F. Lee Bailey. Another one of Ned Beatty’s shiny Southerners, featuring the best performance he has been able to give in years, is the policeman who genuinely wishes to do the right thing but simply can’t.

The authentic local Cajun music on the soundtrack and the instinctive feel for the streets and alleys, the lives and the ways of doing business, the accents and the evasions make all of these characters depict the most convincing portrait of New Orleans I’ve ever seen.

Amidst the chaotic blend of life’s vibrant shades, a bond between Quaid and Barkin is formed, and this bond is enough for a movie in itself. They love each other. They are saddened. Quaid’s friends are throwing a fish boil and Cajun Hootenany, and there is a wonderful scene where they reconcile. At court, they meet as opponents.

A scene of climactic violence, which is a routine in every thriller, takes place at the end of the movie. But, even though it is a foregone conclusion, the performers still manage to take care of it, and the actions appear to fit the characters.

This movie was produced by Jim McBride, who produced ‘Breathless’, a high-style 1940s crime movie fusion art direction with Richard Gere. “Big Easy” seems to be produced by a different man, a director who is not only familiar with the material but possesses great empathy for the characters, a master at work. It is not a thriller, it is a chance to meet some fascinating people.

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