Tarot (2024)

Tarot (2024)

Try to imagine yourself in this position. You are being hunted by an evil force that wants to take your life. What would you do may not be the easiest question, but I believe that we could all agree on what you should not do. I mean, you would not begin looking for the ghost in the attic, there are dark places like the basement of a house, or a big box that shuts from the outside, and, perhaps most importantly, you wouldn’t separate from your buddies. Sadly, these are the exact things that you observe the characters do in Tarot (2024), which is riddled with so many clichés that it very rarely ventures into any territory that could be considered horror.

Continuing on that, the film begins with the ever so famed ‘wooden house in the middle of nowhere’ setting. A bunch of friends are thought to be renting it out for a weekend and out of sheer boredom, they unlock an off limits room in which they find a box of unique tarot cards and one of them uses it to tell horoscopes for each of them. Fortunately, or should I say, the day after that as well, the very next day they vacate the place, and that made me expect that the characters would be picked off one by one, in the very mansion itself. Instead, the clichés, which appear to be persistent ghosts as they reappear when the vacations are over, take another form, when the youngsters return to New York, one by one they are picked off in the order which you have thought, in the order of the cards.

I will be brutal, it has been such a long time since we have sat through a mundane horror movie that relies on clichés that are as old as the hills from which the ghosts come, everything is there: the dead air before every grim moment, creaking doors that are enough to cause heart attack to sleeping neighbors and a ridiculous amount of cheap jump scares. For the generation that consumed these concepts, there is a perfect reason why Tarot exists and this is simply abhorring concept art. For what was quite profitable, cand reative a decade or two ago like the Tarot, it requires another look, as it has probably been overused. This site states the only part of the film worth watching would probably be the best parts of the film, which are arguably quite ingenious. As morbid as it may be, the film makes you sense that if the gang was a bit larger, more entertaining book deaths would occur. When you were so weakly drawn, it would be criminal to think thoughts like those.

It may be a little surprising, but the flashback explaining the villain’s origin usually the most interesting element of these kinds of films is disappointing, to say the least. One would have very low expectations from a film that shows its entire deck of cards, quite literally, in the first ten minutes and even tells you how to pronounce Tarot so that the next time, someone asks you what you spent your time on, you say it correctly. I see no possibility of this story being entertaining in any way unless the viewer has a soft spot for mindless slasher films with tons of clichés and some sickeningly satisfying deaths.

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