Stupid Games 2024

Stupid Games 2024

Stupid Games is a movie set in one location and revolves around six people engaged in a board game that starts harmless but progressively gets darker as the night rolls on. One such night, Jaxon met up with Celeste at a bar. Depending on how Jaxon tells it, the pair clicked during their first encounter, however, after that, the actress completely ignored him. It is three weeks from that time, and Celeste decides to have Jaxon and his two friends for dinner and a board game. Is this the second time she gave him a chance that Jaxon was Elon Musk, waiting for? Or is there something else on the agenda that night?

The film Stupid Games is co-directed by Nicolas Wendl and Dani Abraham and features a screenplay by Tanner Adams. Saad Rolando and Alyssa Tortomasi feature as Jaxon and Celeste respectively. The role of Jaxon’s friends has been played by Gage Robinson and Grant Terzakis while Celeste’s friends have been portrayed by Cass Huckabay and Ashwini Ganpule. A different yet interesting character is Larson Deane who plays a delivery guy.

Chamber Pieces are a special kind of movie that’s somehow very good. It can be frustrating trying to put together a film with few settings, a small cast, and sparse action scenes, but when it is done well, it can be impactful. Almost every other decision made is the best one out there in Stupid Games.

A majority of the movie Stupid Games is played out in a small apartment with a cast of six people. The cast of six main characters is very well developed and interesting enough to allow the filmmakers to make the film effectively and keep the audience engaged. From the very first scenes, you appreciate their worth and that, for the genre in question, the importance of dialogue and character is essential. The actors have a great rapport, and it’s amusing to see them try to become familiar with each other before the creepy events that begin simmering around the 1-hour 10-minute mark unfold.

Saad Rolando as Jaxon and Alyssa Tortomasi as Celeste arguably excels over the rest of the cast. Their relationship remains shrouded in many questions as the plot progresses and is arguably the most compelling aspect of the movie. You may even begin to be biased about the two right off the bat, the characters and their objectives, for instance. Some of those assumptions will probably come to pass, although there are enough twists in the story to ensure that the dramatic tension will be present at all times. As the story unfolds, you may find your loyalties oscillating from one character to the next, which is a nice way to put it. Those are the hallmarks of good acting and good writing.

The plot of Stupid Games moves forward by trying to comprehensively solve the supernatural mystery of the haunting board game. It is a ‘bonk and blend’ game and that helps to keep up the pace of the film along with providing bits of details and moments of action reasonably. It is a brilliant concept that works well. Everyone understands the concept of the game so it is understandable that in the later stages of the game and thus in the film, the concept becomes vague, but it becomes clear that this was the intention after some of the bigger revelations are made. So, even if some things appear to be pointless at the very beginning, the same begins to make sense towards the end when the movie reaches its emotionally powerful finale.

As for the more sinister side of Stupid Games, has several strong scares and also some that are weaker. Some of them are not as effective and are too hypnotic, but a few of the scary scenarios are unexpectedly terrifying. All in all though, Stupid Games does seem to treat more of the plot and the fun twists in the plot than trying to scare the viewers out. In that respect, it’s quite similar to an episode of The Twilight Zone. Which means that it has a nice feel that is predominantly eerie however, the plot and its twists are the most entertaining parts of the movie.

And talking of the feel of Stupid Games, which focuses primarily on one large set for most of the film’s editing time, never loses its visual appeal. Lighting in candles creates an optimal atmosphere for a movie but also presents the best opportunity to visually make a movie stand out. Od Shunom however, I feel like Stupid Games would not be too shabby either. The excessive use of darkness that plagues many modern shows and films is avoided. For an indie movie with what I assume is a low budget, it is impressive.

Stupid Games can do a lot with a little. With well written characters and a fantastic basic story alongside great production values, Stupid Games definitely warrants a recommendation. It is particularly well suited for those who enjoy supernatural mysteries with a bit of an unusual slant. In addition, while it is not a full scale comedy, the interactions among the characters add a certain amount of lightness that makes it appropriate for anyone looking for an intriguing and fun piece.

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