You should think about this. According to the movies, out there in space, somewhere beyond the reach of Earth, lies aliens who can communicate via sent messages and can even traverse between stars. Their civilizations must be fantastically advanced, but when we finally meet them, what do we have? Disgusting slimy morph-creatures with rows of evil teeth, whose greatest cultural achievement is literally jumping out at people behind things! How do they even get through space? By jumping out from behind each star? Species is the latest movie to bring light to this gravely depressing sight. Like the Alien movies and so many others, Species is built on the dread of another race and the belief that aliens are more than likely out to eat us. For every 2001: A Space Odyssey or Close Encounters of the Third Kind which are astounding and hint at Marvel out there in the universe, there are at least twelve of these, which are basically versions of Friday the 13th but in this instance, Jason happens to be an alien monstrosity.
Moreover, there’s a hint of self-satisfaction in the notion that we are the most advanced form of life, that other forms of life if they are somehow able to come to Earth, would look and act like something out of a special effects show gone wrong.
It’s only been a couple of days, and she resembles a 10-year-old. This time she appears to have grown into a sexy blonde (Natasha Henstridge) who can appear on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue any moment. We know this because the film devotes plenty of its screen time to having her remove her bras while trying to seduce her victims in steamy hot tubs because she is sexually reproductive.
She should have died from old age pure logic dictates this. Instead, she remains a sex-bomb for evermore, excluding the moments when she transmogrifies into a horrifying beast. While the confines of physics would define the ability to instantly alter one’s appearance as nonsensical, that is something Species chooses to overlook. Ben Kingsley, the invaluable actor does what he can with the movie’s primary role rest. He plays Fitch, a scientist commanding a squad tracking down an alien who broke free. To maintain the secrecy about the existence of the beast, a broad public announcement is postponed. Kingsley, however, collects Press, a hitman for the government, Dan, an “empathist” who senses what transpired in the surroundings, Arden, an anthropologist, and Laura, a molecular biologist, instead.
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