Imagining how it might feel to be invited to a stranger’s house for a casual party and once you reach there, every single person present over there is busy telling unbelievable stories? ‘South Beach Shark Club’ is a documentary showcasing Robert Requejo Ramos and for some reason, the way everything is presented reminds me of this particular scenario.
In Roque’s account, a very tight group of friends living in Miami’s south beach shaped this region of the city into what it looks like today. First, in 1970, the town was split into a senior retirement community, and then, there was this impoverished community of youths living at the southernmost point of Miami. The famous South Beach Pier Rats Rene De Dios, J.D. Hammer, and Shannon Bustamante came from the surf and skate culture before they decided to become famous as the greatest shark fisherman the world has ever known.
The life and death of Rene De Dios, the leader of the club, is the focal point of the South Beach Shark Club. One could say he was obsessed with bringing shark fishing to a whole new level, and Rene attempted to master it. Nevertheless, de Dios was not one to encourage competition. As the club’s historian and storyteller, Hammer was always careful to mention how epic his deeds were. He went to face danger head-on, until a great white shark pulled his boat underwater and sucked him down with it. At that point, the rest of the story becomes legendary.
As such, it does not lack for a single vision. In outline form, the footage consists mainly of interviews, assorted news clippings, and previously recorded life footage that has been revamped, all of which says something about his life. That being said, I could listen to him and Bustamante for hours, to all those “not so outlandish” tales from their friend’s life. Besides this, the film captured some of his colleagues who boarded and disembarked the ship throughout the years, as well as some of the children that the three mentored such as William Fundora, Albert Poledri, Jorge Ramos, and one promising new adversary named Kevin Pagan.
De Dios’s family saga was not unique. His ancestors came from Europe, and long before they arrived in America, even before his great grandparents were born, they were pioneers in Italy. From the late 1800s captivating tales filled with shark hunts across oceans in the Americas did exist, but how and why shark fishing was commenced in the first place still remains a mystery. This area indeed has great potential in housing more photos as well. While noting these photos, we should remember the struggle marvelous people went through to achieve monumental goals.
In the South Beach Shark Club, legends can vary depending on where you are on Earth, not excluding Miami. A point made in the documentary: ‘legendary’ as an adjective is defined on how stories are being relayed and Robert Requejo Ramos has certainly hit the jackpot in finding stories fit for your viewing pleasures during shark week.
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