Somnus (2016)



Being a movie reviewer is not always a position that is sought after. I review films purely for the love of the art and of storytelling. Therefore, when I come across a film that I struggle to understand, it pains me to think about reviewing it because I am going to spend a lot of time on a project that is not going to yield good results – for me, as well as the filmmakers. Plus, I am not fond of sharing unfavorable news. “Somnus” is one such example.

Here’s the official description on a number of movie sites: While having issues on a commercial craft, a course alteration to the asteroid colony Somnus takes place. The crew quickly learns troubling news about the dark past of the inhabitants of Somnus and their plans for mankind. This is indeed true, but the massive understatement stems from the disinteresting manner in which it occurs.

A film centered around this kind of plot has to be captivating, yet we’re forced to watch a dull, albeit mercifully short, motion picture which is approximately 83 minutes in length that made me check the time more than I would like to admit. There are some interesting underpinnings in the plot, and the film makers understand that, which is ins’t good because, I felt the arrogance and chin stroking that went on behind the camera. It seemed to me that hardwork was put into not looking like the intentions were to wow me with shots that could have been mesmerizing if there was worth context for them. I could almost smell the fibers of pipe smoke and airs of my arent we being clever. Being clever is a good thing, but not if the only reason behind it is showing off. That is one of my pet peeves and it is fully in affect in “Somnus”.

Did Tom Bonington, Klemens Koehring, and the others act well? The answer is ‘meh’. It was as boring as the rest of the movie. Did the film incorporate space and the feeling that would accompany flying through that space like any good science fiction film SET IN SPACE should? Nope. All the space shots were like something out of a film students movie in the 1970s and the inside ones would make Doctor Who look good. There was no emotional add on, or any sense of machines and age. It just sat there. And the directing was so intent on making ART that they forgot to indulge in entertainment as well, what a pity.

At the end of the day and despite everything I have just mentioned, “Somnus” – which was a lesser known roman god of sleep is the title given and “So” for short is an apt title for the film. The only way I can relate to this film is I yawned my way through nearly every minute of it and have no intention of ever watching it again. If you want to watch a science fiction movie that is deep and artistic, go watch Solaris instead, I especially love the Soderbergh version and just pass over “Somnus

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