Sins of Our Youth (2014)



I despise my internet service providers. There is nothing I hate more than them. They have strangled my zone in terms of which company can provide residential internet. Unfortunately, they have scared away any competition which means they are the only ones who can offer services to my zip code. That’s unfortunate because their internet is only strong enough to stream Netflix. No idea what the problem is, but Netflix streams just fine. Whereas, YouTube, Vimeo and Hulu are horrific to use. YouTube isn’t as bad as the others, but if the video is over ten minutes, get ready to buffer for an embarrassing amount of time. Why am I sharing this? Mainly because I have to review numerous films that are only available on YouTube and Vimeo.

One such film was the 2014 thriller Sins of Our Youth. It seemed rather fascinating so I proceeded to ask for its review copy. For some reason, I did not receive the film at all. Instead, I was sent a link to use as a backup for not getting the disc. Thank You folks for giving Horror Society and myself the chance to watch it!

The film follows four teenage boys. Tyler and David are going to be home alone for a few days so they set out to drink and fire their father’s guns while the parents are out. Their friends Scott and Carlo partake in the fun too. They each get a different gun and shoot up Tyler and David’s Christmas decorations. Upon closer inspection of the now demolished decorations, they discover the body of a child that lives nearby. They bring it into the garage to decide what to do with it. The group is divided on whether to come clean and call the cops or attempt to conceal their crime.

Next day, they attend class as if nothing happened, but that day they devise a plan. The plan is to get four drives, each containing three members of the group admitting to the crime. Each member of the group will be recorded until all of them have a turn and at least one drive showing that all of them are innocent is left. They will document the process of each member killing the rest until only one is standing. The surviving member will proceed to destroy three of the drives after winning and contact the police. But, some feel that this is wrong and makes them paranoid. Others, on the other hand, suffer from trust issues thinking that this is a plot to murder them.

Sins of Our Youth is not a film I knew what to expect from. I understood that it was not going to be a horror story, but I have been seeking out a lot of modern thrillers, so I was more receptive to this modern film than many I have seen in the past. I must say, I was very confused and surprised with how the movie progressed and how much effort and detail went into the film.

The acting in this one is questionable. It is not that the cast is untalented or bad, but some of the scenes felt like they were out of place and lacked the same momentum as the rest of the film. The acting is moreover not very even throughout.

This blog’s story is captivating but, to some degree, generic; they seem to be reaching in their assessment that this film is about a firm gun control and other such nonsense. One could make an argument for this, but in this case, the writer was merely painting the picture of what a group of very frantic teenage boys would do given a very tricky situation. The film does begin with some level of action and a crucial turning point in the narrative before it starts to meander at a slow pace. If there was little more to the narrative, this would be one of those films that I would rate a solid 10 from the beginning to the end.

In closing, I must regretfully inform those who enjoy excessive violence that this will not satisfy them. There is a corpse that has blood on it, but rather than showing him being shot, the director took a more considerate route by not showing it and instead depicting a bloody corpse. The effects are fine as far as we have them, but most thrillers and horrors are generous with the kills, and we are not. Sins of Our Youth is a very dark thriller based on a true story and it is very deeply disturbing. Their characters are very realistic as they put themselves in a position that is very plausible. Their answer to the problem is insane, but the problem is real. Nothing is scarier than real life horror.’

To watch more movies like Diamond in the Rough (2022)  123website.

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