Robot Ninja (1989)



QUICK CUT: The comic book artist is not satisfied with how a television adaptation of his creation is going so he tries to fix that himself.

Goody – She is the ringleader of a gang that is causing chaos in Ridgway. Goody is in charge and she doesn’t care for people. She will do anything to achieve what she wants. 

Dr. Goodknight Lenny’s friend and an inventor and engineer. He is always up for a challenge.

TRISK ANALYSIS: Greetings Triskelion’s. This week, I have no deep commentary, but there is a mildly obscure picture from the 80s that I have finally gotten around to watching; Robot Ninja.

It begins with the titular Robot Ninja character breaking into a group of thugs and savagely dispatching them. Now that’s what I want from a movie called Robot Ninja! But the happiness never lasts long. Turns out Robot Ninja is a comic book superhero character whose exploits were so bad they made an adaptation into a TV show. Shame, Bert! You should know better!

We are then introduced to Leonard Miller, the creator of Robot Ninja, and he is pained to see what has been done to the show. This is NOT what I want from a movie called Robot Ninja! 

I tease, but I am having a blast watching the disappointment wash over people. Meanwhile some local gang bangers have kidnapped a couple and are about to assault them. Fortunately, Scully’s van breaks down right along where Leonard is passing.

Lenny tries to intervene, which only results in the couple getting murdered and him receiving a thorough beating until the cops finally arrive. 

He uses the altercation as inspiration for his next Robot Ninja comic, but his publisher does not like it because he is supposed to be drafting something light-hearted and goofy to coincide with the television show.

But all this is not satisfactory for Leonard, and seeing another news report about an ever-increasing number of people getting assaulted and raped gives him an idea. 

Suddenly, he picks up some sketches and runs to his friend and inventor, Doctor Goodnight. He asks him to make for him a real-life Robot Ninja suit, so he can go out into the city and find all the criminals responsible for these atrocities. 

Ah yes, the old story of a man hunting down people after a criminal kills two random people, though they did conveniently happen to be within shouting distance when he was being attacked. 

The doctor is in doubt at first, because this plan is way over the top, but Goodnight is the type who relishes a challenge. So it is that we receive a montage of building and art in combination, building up towards the unveiling of Lenny in the suit crafted by the good doctor.

Leonard is full of himself, so self inflated that he literally views himself as a god and this is the part where I feel a little less enthusiastic. The dude does not even seem to be wearing anything remotely close to protective gear because he a pair of claws… and that’s it. I don’t even know what he recruited Dr. Goodnight’s services for, there is no more advanced science in this other than a voice changer. 

Lenny excitedly goes patrolling and, anticipating the worst, he gets all woke and takes some caffeine pills or something. And, he gets lucky right off when he spots video store thugs who were on the hit list the other day. They had taken a boy and his sister hostage and had already dealt with their pervious victim. 

As much as I resisted believing this, during his initial foray, Robot Ninja seems to do a fairly alright job. After dispatching one criminal, the rest runs away, however the kid unfortunately dies in the crossfire. But, unlike the thugs, one can only wonder why he did not decide to wear a mask. 

The media draws the worst conclusions imagining he went out to kill for whatever reason and is responsible for murdering the boy and the man. Everyone conveniently ignores the argument that Christopher’s death is nothing more than an unintentional bi-product of a tussle gone out of control, vehemently caused by a thug.

And there was also one cute but annoying part when the article title says Robot Ninja murdered one individual, and right after the actual piece states, two have died at his hands, if I am saying it right. Hang.

The next day, Middle Aged Ninja gets back to his favorite hangouts with the help of drugs for fuel, weapon in hand, eyes gleaming with the desire to kill. The robot is fully functional again.

Goody removed restraints this time and also came with reinforcements and she orders the whole team, down to the last man, to bully the disguised hero.

He eliminates one of them, but they outnumber him five to one so he is overpowered. Look at what I just stated, as they strike the living daylights out of him, stab him and carve arms into him. I laugh so hard at his ‘realism.’

This is truly how ‘real’ it is, the poor dude is just a regular bored middle aged man, sham HAS to fight and, still loses because there’s no fighting experience or skill in there. So much that he gets his ass HANDED to him.

Alat the mid point between both ends of this movie, they were starting to eliminate him due to the increased action from the previous scenes before cops arrive and preemptively scatter most of the actors. Goodnight also returns to his armor base and utilizes tools on standby to make some repairs.

He’s sitting there and shoving tubes into his broken arm, and I’m sorry, but this is not how biology works!! Whatever, I take back those comments I made earlier that this is ‘’realistic’’.

This goes on for a bit as Lenny vacuums the laws of biology and medical, and just…SHOVES A BIG METAL PLATE IN HIS LE… Ok fine, you know what, fine.

He gulps down even more pills after he gets home, and rewrites the ending of the Robot Ninja, because it goes without saying that he utterly failed at drawing what he did in his head.

On the following day, Goodnight wakes up, and finds his workshop bathed in blood and a bit of a disaster. Before he can really soak this all in though, the thugs do. They followed Lenny there the night before, and incorrectly assume that the doc is the Robot Ninja.

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