Raiders of the Sun (1992)



Later, this tremendous post-apocalyptic narrative continues with revenge and guns. If anything, how many of these commando type movies came out after this series, for example: The Exterminators of the Year 3000 and The Last Warrior. Santiago was equipped with experience in post-apocalyptic sub genre movies. He had previously directed some of Richard Norton’s films like Wheels of Fire, Future Hunters, and Equalizer 2000.

Raiders of the Sun is another take on Mad Max set in the future with Richard Norton playing the starring role of Brody, who is on a quest to locate a village in the mountains with a mine that manufactures gunpowder. He is not the only one pursuing the mine however, as the treacherous Clay (William Steis) joins forces with his brother Hoghead (Rick Dean) to uncover the remaining gunpowder so they can dethrone the Alpha League.

Brody isn’t the only hero of this tale as we also have Talbot (Blake Boyd) who goes undercover with Hoghead’s crew in order to locate his missing wife. In an ironic running gag, when Hoghead asks an underage prostitute her name, she responds by saying “Fuck you,” and he then refers to her as ‘Fuck you’ for the remainder of the movie.

Emotions are non existent in this movie, but lets be honest, if you’re settling down for a Cirio Santiago, you know what you are in for; Raiders of the Sun definitely features decent production values and is 80 minutes of almost non-stop fighting. There are SO many explosions in this movie that I lost track; it also includes flamethrowers, skirmishes, and gun fights for a truely entertaining experience.

Indeed, the most entertaining scene in the movie is when Gonzales, one of Hoghead’s henchmen, is engaged in a fight with Talbot, both of them suspended on ropes, trying to slash each other with bladed weapons. The movie poster (shown below) is quite an exaggeration and gives it a much better look than it deserves (I also have no idea who the gentleman with the beard is). But it is still entertaining.

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