Primal Scream (198)



Corby McHale – An outrageous yet captivating character who works as a private investigator and runs a mail order business just to pay the bills. He likes to flirt with women and is always getting himself into trouble.

Sam Keller – Corby’s friend who has dedicated his life to law enforcement, hence, he is very annoyed with Corby but at the same time, he is one of the very few people that will tolerate Corby.

Caitlin Foster – A femme fatale character who is a wealthy, upscale public figure with some connections at Thesaurus Industries, such as her brother owning it. She engages Corby to help her solve a murder case.

Olen Foster – Ruthless merchant and the CEO of Thesaurus who is always looking for ways to expand his empire.

Captain Gitto – Identical to every police movie’s power captain. He is Corby’s former boss and despises him, meanwhile, they manage to maintain a friendship where Captain Gitto has no control over some of Corby’s illegal actions.

TRISK ANALYSIS: Welcome back, Triskelions! By accident, we find ourselves in a summer of scifi season with the Aquanoids theme. However, it is more developed. Ahem, I mean, look at this one, it is an incomplete 80’s film that was kept unreleased until the last couple of years. It is an oddity that I collect and share. In my opinion, it’s on the strange side. It never ends! The name of this week’s film is Hellfire, but I enjoy Primal Scream as an alternative title more.

McHale talks about his boarding hero, Corby. Before his ship gets shot down and crashes, we witness his first outburst, which is calling someone a son of a bitch. Might I add, that was an exceptional opening line.

Corby manages to exit the ship right before it explodes. Unlucky for him, he ends up being strapped to a gurney, presumably in excruciating pain. Fortunately, at this point the noir narration captures the moment, getting ready to talk about how much of a tough guy PI Corby happens to be.

Freeze frame I’m sure by this time all of you are curious to know how I got roped into this predicament

And no, this is not a joke, the film actually presents the entire ‘So you are probably wondering flashback structure ad gets away with it. Oh, the 80s, before that was a cliche.

Corby sets some context before hand and jumps us back a few days. As with the previous things, we learn this is in a parallel timeline and was set in 1983. And even that, I do not think was the future when this was made. But yan, yan, yan, there’s a government amalgam deep space mining conglomerate and a newly discovered energy catalyst called Hellfire.

We get a fragmented glimpse at some experimenting that brings about a boom large enough to make the Myth Busters cream their pants, and amidst this terror, a news conference that assures us that no, Hellfire is manageable. Well, here’s a suggestion, DO NOT NAME IT HELLFIRE. Name it something like Snugglecuddles.

This, of course, leads to protests regarding it’s safety, its pollution and for sure Jeff Bezos launching himself into space with it. I am serious when I say I had no idea this was going to be so timely and entertaining.

We cut to a voyage of a starship heading towards a station which is built on top of an asteroid and is being fueled with Hellfire. However, life militia who are opponents of Hellfire hijacks the ship. They dock into the station and set up bombs around. Let’s hope they set it up with Hellfire, now that is a poetry I admire.

And usually, I would like to brush aside the great loss of lives with a big question mark. Luckily, the movie puts the fan estimate of casualities around 87. Ending up with one hell of a body count feature jump strafe at the end.

We look onto as the lead scientist of Thesaurus Industries slowly flips through a thesaurus. Wait… that is not a very good industrial espionage cover. I surely ‘am certain they must have a book out there which is able to help them.’

For some reason, this causes um otic scene in which a couple gets simultaneously getting murdered by multiple stab wounds. Wow, do you remember that movie Final Terror? This is a pretty uncanny thing to have so many of the same double kills so close together.

We return to Corbin Dullas and subsequently meet some of the townsfolk, namely Mary who owns the local bodega, and Nicky Fingers. Who… well, I do not really know. He seems to be a side character living like a beggar with no apparent source of income, always looking for the next deal. He is so resourceful that he writes reminders on himself just to ensure they are not lost or stolen. Okay then, Mister Memento.

Corby arrives back home to find Caitlin Foster waiting for him. If you are at least half-awake during the movie, you know that woman was causing trouble on the craft with Corby. To be honest, it is sane to always presume something wrong is coming from the femme fatale in a noir story, so it is not a complete shock, but still.

He has hired him for about five seconds before someone turns the power off in Corby’s house. For him, it was rather refreshing to believe that it was not the power company.

Looking out for the people that might have visited, he moves around the place and out of nowhere a dart shoots right into his face. The next day Corby wakes up next to Caitlin in his bed while having moved from his apartment floor.

We get some information about Caitlin, where she mentions that their family member who has the same parents as her, is the head of thesaurus. And when boarding the thought train, I believe the reason she employed Corby is due to her assumption that Olan murdered her lover.

Corby goes to the police station to initiate his investigation, and there what we find is the chief. If you ever seen a detective movie, you are already familiar with the relationship one can have with the head of police. Regardless, the dude does a great job with the role.

While withdrawing a note from the double homicide what he is working on, he informs the police chief about his prior day activities, and for some reason, exactly as I wished to discover, begins to delve on the space accident. This all in some way connects, but it would be great if the movie told me exactly how. So, seek and ye shall find the poor chap that got stabbed is ex lover of Caitlin.

On the way out we encounter a female officer, most probably his ex partner and at which birds there are few friendly interactions to be compared with how Corby and the captain interact.

The pilot of the spaceship was mentioned briefly by the captain who described the ‘two dead people’ as ‘not infected,’ and we later discover what this entails. The pilot of the ship is on fire which is how I assume what is happening below me.

I’m certain it did not go well for thesaurus and Olan during the heck of a time they had after the mining boom explosion. Warmachine infection did not help the situation either. There always appears to be something missing like the S37 canister that is never accounted for in the plot.

And right away we meets Corby’s secretary on the second day. She’s described by Corby’s as someone he hired to have things under control and she is right on top of him and we see the shovel we did there for her.

Corby receives an update on the situation from Nicky over the phone. After further investigation, it turns out that the crashed spaceship is being transported to a base further upstate. It may be possible that the pilot is still alive so our zero goes over to see the circumstances.

He received another message from Cat which asked him not to bother with some things but after someone tried to kill him, I presume he is still motivated. These two, and we would have been out of a picture anyway.

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