Point Blank (2010)



It’s amusing that I was able to catch two movies this holiday weekend. That’s something that doesn’t happen too often this year. To be honest, there’s so many impediments I’ve had this year with watching more movies and the most pronounced one is simply that I am unable to deeply immerse myself into most of the movies released so far and with less than four months left on the timer for 2011, this really doesn’t paint a rosy picture for a strong showing of films.

This action thriller film is from France and it’s called ‘Point Blank’. It’s safe to say that it is best suited as an action movie, and to a certain extent it is also a thriller, but from where I stand, it plays the balance between both genres pretty effectively.

Every character in the film is filled with a certain kind of personality. The good man is precisely the sort of person anyone would want to be with if they ever had the misfortunate circumstance of being in a dark alley at night, and the bad men are exactly the sort of people you would not wish to come across in that same ‘dark’ alley. The top two bad guys are most noticeable, Roschdy Zem and Gérard Lanvin are the worst. You will, without a doubt, have absolutely no trouble discerning them as deep bad all the way to the core.

High-octane energy is how I would describe the mood of the film. It really is a remarkable experience, both up and down. Part of the story and character development helps in making this a pleasurable, albeit, an exhilarating ride. I, too, felt that there were some moments in the film where the pace felt a bit too hectic, and it would have helped if I had focused more so that I wouldn’t miss out on some vital details.

I do not deny that there are areas which may be easy to predict, and at least in my perspective, I can point out one major plot hole somewhere in the middle of the film which is difficult to overlook for the people that I watched it with. It turns out I was lucky because no one else seemed to share my concern so perhaps it is not a grave problem.

Another strangeness is that, though all the participants are appropriately cast, I was unable to fail to observe that very nearly all of the French female actors concerned were obviously drawn from the upper echelons of the beauty scale. Perhaps it is simply a French thing. Naturally, it affects all the pleasure of watching the movie and it’s one that you should relax and let it unfold before you. I suppose a refreshing glass of wine and some fine cheddar would do the trick as well.

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