Who wouldn’t be engaged in a film instantly when a shark infested Waterworld pops on screen? I screenshotted the beginning where the Statue of Liberty was underwater and knew this was going to be pure entertainment. People live on the surface of the sea and get attacked right out of the gate. Regardless of how you feel about the film, every scene showcases nonstop shark action.
While everyone got eaten, a single girl found herself stuffed inside a barrel. I don’t understand why she was saved since she didn’t bring any value to the story. Regardless, another floating city has spotted the flare; the girl gets rescued by a musclebound gent named Barrick. Along with Barrick, there is also a floating oceanic research station called Vestron. On the quest to reverse global warming, Vestron is trying to build a CO2 scrubber rocket to blast off into the sky. You see, the poles have melted, leaving Earth to become a water world. It’s getting hotter every day and for some reason this rocket is going to solve Global warming.
Now, let me stop here and explain that the science in this movie is a bit difficult to understand. With all these scientists, each with their own story, it can be quite overwhelming.
“This is the beginning of a scientific movie?” Content is woven in a manner that will compel the audience to get confused while analyzing the movie which makes the movie sound fascinating. The content from presented is extremely engaging with a lot of verbatim science at the start which makes it sound absurd. Now I have whiplash.
A critical point that is clear ahead is how global warming is presently killing the oceans, consequently, fish and other sea creatures as well. Fish is only part of a shark’s Diet -Did you know? Well now they feast on humans. Also, an alpha female shark who controls the sea sharks with electromagnetic fields to serve her orders. She is the Alpha because she has a big glittery face as if a stripper blasted her with glitter.
At one point, Vestron heads to Salvation in search of the iridium required for the powered rocket. The place of salvation is ruled over by a maniac of terrible cajun accent. His tribe engages in odd shark grunting, lot of foolish war dancing and grunting. Ghosts of Mars instantly comes to mind and make me believe that they are all jerks. Well these too get devoured rather.
Aye Aye Boss, the two main scientists who get featured in the movie, bombard a submarine volcano, with a transmitter gadget in their hands and blew it up.
The sentence, “Vestron then has to scavenge the rockets for the parts that make the transmitter function,” refers to the Vestron spaceship and how it needed to ensure the transmitter worked. If there was anything that needed to be done communication wise with the receiver, it was projected into the ionosphere. (You must be so tired at this point, right?) The volcano would erupt as soon as the transmitter was activated.
Once everything is taken care of, a tsunami occurs (Sigh). The myriad of expectations for the writers really drowned out creativity. So realizing they had just detonated a volcano and used everything Vestron had for power, scientists decided they needed to decode the sharks’ alpha telepathy and mimic her in order to redirect the sharks to kill her. With all this chaos, they wished to subdue her and use her as a jump start for the rocket.
Now with how much science fiction they claim for make and wreaking chaos, doing all this pseudoscience sound fine, yet hearing the explanation behind it seems awful. Not gonna lie, I liked this movie. Best part is, it flies by so fast you can not even get bored from it. Characters are enjoyable and have a focus on him that one does not dread watching, which is not too common when it comes to crazy sci fi. That said, I definitely recommend it. This film is the best one released from Syfy that has shart exploitation scatter throughout.
This shark film could have greatly benefited from more sharks being featured in it.
Sure, they are present. They assault others. While this is important, it feels tangential to the actual story. Well, it is important. So the story needs to be more well defined.
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