Peter Five Eight (2024)

Peter Five Eight

Thank you for remembering Kevin Spacey, folks. After being accused of sexual assault in 2017, the star of numerous hit productions including American Beauty and LA Confidential has not been spotted on screen for quite some time.

Although the actor was exonerated, it is apparent that he has had trouble reintegrating into the Hollywood scene. That is not to say, however, that he hasn’t acted at all. He is back again, after having participated in the Italian picture The Man Who Drew God, lent his voice to the Brit indie Control, and hasn’t featured in a major studio film since 2018’s Billionaire Boys Club.

This is his best role of all. He plays a hired killer with the alias Peter Five Eight in the thriller film that can now be watched online, where he is the main character involved in eliminating rich building agent Sam Jet Jandreau who has something both frightening and disgusting hidden beneath her alluring resemblance.

In this film, Peter is employed by Lock, played by Jake Weber, who wishes Sam dead for reasons that appear to be secret until the last scenes. But does she live? Well, no spoilers here so to every one of you, turn to the review section of this sight check out the flick, and see for yourself how Sam and the cast develop during this noirish picture. As such, however, the chances of you surviving right till the end credits are as low as those of Sam in this movie because this is one film that people will ever put on their epic 10 Best Movies Starring Kevin Spacey list. This is not going to happen, period.

Actually, most people will come into this film with the expectation that they are going to see Kevin Spacey standing once again on the screen and portraying interesting characters. Yes, he has been away for too long so any film he stars in now is most likely going to get people’s interest just to find out whether he still has his great screen presence.

I am happy to state that Spacey performs quite well in the film. Unsealed with charisma, he embodies the hitman character, who is no pushover in a verbal confrontation, like his character Frank Underwood in House of Cards. In one of the surreal scenes, which is quite out of place concerning the entire film, he even displays his ability to dance and sing which reminds one of the role played. him in the movie ‘Beyond the Sea’ in 2004.

If Spacey were not the one who starred in this film, then the film was most likely not to be viewed. He may not even put on an outstanding show, but his character gets to deliver some memorable quotes which is not the case for his more anonymous colleagues, who have very little to do.

Bad movie lovers will enjoy Peter Five eight

Being the Costa Nostra picture that it is, Peter Five Eight is not a picture that Spacey would have starred in before his scandal. He would have found it too beneath an actor of his caliber to be featured in such absurdity of a low budget crime flick. But given the scandal that brought his house of cards down, Spacey is now a jobbing actor who will take even the most obscure of pictures to get his career back on track.

Spacey has been the director’s choice for a long time in recent years, but it is a good thing that Peter Five Eight’s director Michael Zaiko Hall decided to give Spacey a role. Naturally, Hall may be using Spacey to his advantage, but there are not quite a lot of chances that there would be so much interest in his film had it not been for Spacey, the former Keyser Soze.

Hall’s direction is fair enough for all intents and purposes. However, he does not have many good actors on his side apart from Spacey, so his film has only a minimal chance of ever being termed good or anything in between. The only other actors who are known apart from Jake Weber and Rebecca DeMornay are B-movie actor wannabes, or what I think are complete amateurs considering their acting.

‘Decent line delivery’ are not words you’d ascribe to many of the actors, so stiff and wooden are they in their roles. Fortunately for the audience, the lead actress Jet Jandreau is concerned with putting some emotion in her lines, but speaking as she does in a 1940s movie, quite unfitting for a modern-day film.

There’s nowhere coherent in the film, it suffers from a narrative high ground and for sure there are plot holes. Who knows, perhaps it is due to poor editing. Probably, however, more so the script has been poorly pulled together by the director.

However, even this film pulls fans of Troll 2 and The Room in its direction. Some of the scenes are so poorly written and directed, that they are very fun to watch. A gas filled cabin scene has the thespians shouting out the word gas every third line in an almost comically deadpan manner until they run out of lines and just end the scene in grossly over performed calmness.


Peter Five Eight is far from being a masterpiece, let’s just say that. At the same time, if you know something and you intend to fail you might be able to enjoy its failings. This isn’t the comeback film that Kevin Spacey desperately needs, but he is better than his co-stars, which given the circumstances isn’t hard to achieve at all. I wonder when Spacey eventually manages to grab a better script.

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