Nightbeasts (2010)



Wes Sullivan’s Nightbeasts is the type of B movie that would probably be considered a cult classic had it come out sometime in the ’80s. The reality, however, is that it is immensely more regrettable than that and there are so many parts to this mediocre monster flick that are horrifyingly boring. The only benefit one is likely to get out of this is the sheer curiosity of the guy from Gremlins (Zach Galligan) acting as a southern sign salesman who quite literally gets Bigfooted. It is poorly scripted, poorly acted and unimaginative in every which way possible, yet somehow remains captivating. But then again, probably not in the way the filmmakers intended.

Galligan plays Charles Thomas, a good ole boy taking his son to the woods for a weekend of hunting and a little father-son bonding session. Sadly, their trip gets interrupted when a group of Sasquatches go on a murderous rampage. Now it’s up to Charles to join forces with the local native Americans and try to get to safety.

Everything about this movie is as bad as it sounds. From horrible editing to the absurd decision-making of the characters and even the so-called monsters, which look like guys in suits, everything is off. The dialogue is awful as well and features stupid sayings like, “You look like you’ve been eating submarine sandwiches.” Seriously?

However, what Nightbeasts does best is that it knows what it is and it embraces every part of it without overreaching. When a film has Native American rappers and Lloyd Kaufman as a park ranger, I think there’s a certain lowered expectation to begin with. It delights in its B movie-ness, and on a scale of one to ten, the awful acting and laughable set designs, with fog creeping in from every possible angle, is an eleven.

Even if these parts seem thematically awful, but in a good way, it is unlikely to be the case Katalin is going for. Lately, we have seen a number of so-called throwback films, which nod towards the classic genre movie from the ‘80s, but where The House of the Devil or Hobo with a Shotgun work, Nightbeasts does not. It may be rooted from an ‘80s monster movie, but it does not add anything of value whatsoever.

Nightbeasts is a complete mess of a film that is only worth watching after you’ve already seen The Room, Troll 2, and Birdemic. If Sullivan and co. were attempting to shoot a low budget B movie, congratulations as they have succeeded in their endeavor. They have to be recognized for the unintentionally comedic nature of the film. and how proud they must feel for making such a low 0.5 rating. Scores like this rarely happen.

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