Mutants of Nature Cove

Mutants of Nature Cove

Beth, a shy girl is taken by her wild friends to a secluded nude beach with Tomek. There is a hallucination in the presence of the Mutants. A strange lady recites mantras and the Mutants attack. Beth wants to ensure that the soul stealing Mutants are exiled back to hell.

Mutants of Nature Cove featuring Geneva Robinson and Lucy Diamante is currently not available to stream, or rent, but you can contribute to your wish to see updates. It’s a comedy and a horror film.

Horriblemente horrible As bad as it would get, Mutants of Nature Cove is a totally poorly executed movie, washed down soft legal everywhere with only naked skin, nudity, and somewhat of a story to show for it. If there was a budget for this film, it was definitely a case of poor spending, as even first year college students could make a better film than this schlock.

Written (that’s rich) and directed by Beau Mann, Mutants of Nature Cove could convince some critics that there is a storyline somewhere, the premise consists of a group of women heading to a nudist beach populated by mutant sea monsters, that induce psychedelic experiences stolen from the exiled creatures who at one point came from hell (sadly not in a Brothers of the Pit type of way, but I guess that would be too logical) and some narrative that they are plotting to destroy someone or something. The girls take on the role of saviors who not only need to rescue the poor suffering nudists but also the entire universe.

Or something very similar. It is quite difficult to bother with the pretty shoddy plot when Mutants of Nature Cove has terrible green screen effects, horrible acting, pathetic monster effects, and audio which I think was recorded in a pub. If all that wasn’t bad enough, every actor in this movie is naked and remains naked throughout the film.

So few will be able to last over 10 minutes and not switch this off. The point at which it dawns on people that this film is actually shot in a green screen, with a poorly constructed audio, will also make many want to sit in the corner for a long time. Its weakness is evident from the very first parts even when it is still in a promising stage. In fact, because of the extra monster effects and additional green screen areas, it gets even worse.

Most likely, Mutants of Nature Cove Creative Spelling was written as a subversive work and takes shots at stereotypical features of the genre. One might genuinely believe that is feasible, but only to a point. There’s been plenty of entertaining tripe that knows its genre and embraces its intriguing quirks and many of these films tend to be more roast than toast, however, this film does none of that.

There have been utter failures of comedies that claim to be anything but serious, all of which ‘don’t work’ if you catch my drift, and this is one of them. For what little budget it had, it isn’t worth watching ever, even if you’re curious to see nakedness.

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