Mommy Meanest

Mommy Meanest

Just before Mother’s Day, a new movie that is inspired by Isabella County’s catfishing mom is about to be released.

Divorced mother Madelyn is bewildered to learn that her daughter is on the verge of growing up in Mommy Meanest, which is produced under the Lifetime Movie Network and will be screened at 8 p.m. on May 11, 2013. The movie is a dramatized version of Kendra Gail Licari, a Beal City resident, currently imprisoned in Ypsilanti’s Huron Valley women’s prison for stalking minors for 19 months to 5 years.

The film features Lisa Rinna who played Madelyn and follows a divorced mother, with her daughter Mia (Briana Skye cast), who threatened Mia, more time with her boyfriend, and getting ready to go to school away from home.

As described in a promotional ad of LMN, Madelyn’s determination to figure out who the bullies are and assist them brings them closer together: When Mia begins to get a series of nasty messages, Madelyn, a caring mother, takes it upon herself to see who is targeting her child and to ensure that they help each other. Then, It becomes a case of hundreds of messages are they always threatened, and is there an oppressor who is closer than she could ever have imagined?’

The controversy surrounding certain posts on social media may have resonated with many last year, particularly concerning a fifteen-year-old targeted individual targeted by online bullies. According to the IMDB, A teenage girl ‘is subjected to severe online harassment and eventually discovers that her own mother is responsible for the terrible messages entertained on the internet.

Mark Duthie, the judge of the District Court of Isabella County, imprisoned a 43 year old woman who was the subject of the court case for sending threatening messages to children aged 14 and 13. As demonstrated during the trial, Licari pleaded guilty and was sentenced to serve time in prison as a result of the plea agreement with most charges against her being dropped by David Barberi, who was the prosecutor in the case.

She manipulated the identities of her daughter and one of her daughter’s friends by pretending to be them and sending them fake messages from phony accounts, which kept her daughter and her daughter’s friend confused and misinformed about the situation.

Licari was in tears after her sentencing and turned to the judge stating that she regretted the pain and confusion that her actions brought to the people, including a teenage girl whom she attempted to frame in the conspiracy, as well as her own daughter and husband.

With regards to Licari, who apparently went for therapy for her mental health issues, Duthie revealed in court the empathy he had for her but also said Licari’s actions were wrong in the context of moral standards.

“Do not be so loud, calm down. This is genuinely a sad fill in the blank case. Furthermore, the curse of internet anonymity has cultivated such people who would never have such behavior if they weren’t unknown, Duthie stated as an explanation for his ruling against Licari in his conclusion of her next case.

The manner and the content of the messages that were sent by Licari, Duthie said her purposive intent is described best by the term one off mistake of judgment. This was not a sudden decision, but a staged plan, the aim of which was to picture one of the victims in such a way that she would be trying to persuade the investigators that one of the victims actually sent the messages to her.

Lastly, a spokesman for the Michigan Department of Corrections explained that such prisoner accounts exist, especially the Prisoner Benefit Fund which receives money from the Thomas E. Robinson Michigan Executive Council and other such transactions.

As stated by MDOC spokesman, Kyle Kaminski, such a fund is managed by a committee in charge of expenditures for the inmates, where the usual purchase is cable television service.

Prisoners can own and operate a television set, and it is possible that Licari would view the movie if it were to be aired on Lifetime Network, which is part of the cable package available in the state penitentiaries.

For more movies like Mommy Meanest Visit 123Movies.

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