The man was in for quite a surprise, thinking it was all about his first indigo film, little did he know it was going to be three times a charm. Terry is in for the greatest news when he discovers that he is going to become a father soon, this man doing a regular thing decides to haul his entire family including his nine months pregnant wife Michelle from Iowa to Los Angeles all for the creative aspect of shooting a raw indie and turning it into a goldmine clout chasing service.
Micro Budget has elements of a rowdy comedic drama where its storytelling flows in an absurd manner where characters and their situations excessively self-depreciate for comic relief much like how the sitcoms Parks and Rec and The Office playing in today’s society where leftist propaganda is watered down. It is a very entertaining film that quite closely resembles a sitcom of modern-day television and that is both a curse and a blessing. The imbecility in abundance is humorously skewered, and while the majority would consider this a great idea for a movie, the insatiable desire to take a break after an hour and a half would be more accurate. I would say the underlying idea of the movie was better suited to be pitched to Netflix as a miniseries.
In summary, the plot revolves around an aspiring filmmaker who decides to borrow money from his in-laws and move to Los Angeles, where he wrote and produced a home-made disaster movie about a meteor attacking Earth It has everything a poverty-stricken family living in Iowa would love, meteors, explosions, and drama. But the filmmaker lacks any real talent within him, be it interpersonal relationships or filmmaking or even the arts in general. An astonishingly large number of people have shown up at the Air B&B he rented to help him translate his vision into action, but what do they know about him? He has quit his job, relocated 2500 miles from his home, and become a lunatic just because his woman is pregnant for the first time.
The film is also odd, giving the impression of being taken out of a television series, with most of the writers having had experience in that field starting with Morgan Evans, who directed and wrote Merry Little Batman.
It’s difficult to say anything else without revealing too much than to say that the film is quite hilarious in a very Parks and Rec sort of way, it has a sitcom feel, although it doesn’t sound odd without a laugh track. The people are placed on the screen as if they are separate beings, but all have come together in their sheer lunacy to the vision of Terry and the stupidity that lies within. It’s either you get aboard this film or you don’t and I will not lie, I did. It’s quite amusing but after some time which would be around 90 minutes, you feel like you’ve had enough. This film is effectively a machine gun of gags. It seems as if a new crisis occurs not once in a blue moon but every few seconds and one is exactly sure from the start that this film is going to end badly.
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