Kill Craft (2024)

Kill Craft (2024)

Kill Craft” is a narrative that teaches us how people evolve as per their situations. At times, someone resorts to extreme measures and changes entirely so that they can carry on with their lives. This is exactly what happened to Marina in the movie. Marina’s father, Thomas, was a contract killer. She grew up grasping that his profession was risky, but it was much more perilous if he failed to deliver. After the death of Thomas, Marina was forced to become the image of her father and bear his duties. Can you understand how hard it would be for a normal teenage student to start killing other people for money? How far would someone go, like Marina, to defend their family? Despite not having the best career, she was ready for anything. But what became of Marina in the end? Did she really come back from her quest of destruction as a ‘better’ or more ‘sane’ person? We’ll see how all the pieces fit into place in this critique of the ending of Kill Craft.

Who killed Thomas?

The first character we are introduced to in this movie is Mr. Freeman, a wealthy and diabolical character who has a bad reputation. He employs a man named Mr. Poe to provide him with a list of individuals who he wishes to have assassinated. Mr. Poe is also involved in a lot of violence, and he seems to be shunned by people. Some people do care for him, but he drives them away because of his accustomed self-hatred. Perhaps it is for this reason that he promotes self-hatred. Regardless, Mr. Poe informs Thomas, a ruthless assassin, to eliminate people from his list. Coming to the perspective of Thomas and his family, he appears to be a very ordinary man. He has a daughter, Marina, and a wife, Ruth. Other people may view him as ordinary, but his sketchy actions make Marina and her best friend, Freya, think that he is a secret agent. Rita has never been pleasant to Thomas and her daughter, something that has confused her. Connolly has trouble seeing what is wrong with her family her husband, though rude to no one and a positive influence in their lives, attends to Ruth’s needs. Where then, is the spite coming from? It is because Thomas Snyder is responsible for Ruth being disabled.

The conflict began a long time ago when Marina had just been born. Thomas’s adversary broke into the couple’s house intending murder. Though the enemy managed to shoot Ruth, hitting her spine, and thereby earning a lifetime of disability, he fled after committing that act. Not only did Thomas understand the threat to his profession, but he also took no measures to safeguard his loved ones. His life revolved around the success of his superior’s directives. He accepted that the moment he joined the job was the moment he could never escape to save his family. It was not a normal position for him. He had a different method to receive his orders. His superiors concealed a bottle in the sand on the beach. It contained the addresses and the names of the people that he was supposed to murder. Only on that particular day, did Marina and Freya realize it was possible when they saw Thomas wrapping up the bottle, who had to bury a bottle. That was when they understood how he had gone about his work and what Ruth was trying to explain. Everything was alright. Interestingly enough, while staying in a residence where her dad’s identity was a well-kept secret, despite Marina being privy to his true identity, she said nothing. Nevertheless, on one fateful day, he went out to eliminate one of the opponents of Mr Freeman. Thomas, however, managed to get caught and the opponent’s bodyguards made mince meat out of him.

Thomas made scrambles to get free but was too weak as he had lost a lot of blood. He reached the woods surrounding their residence but he could not return home. Marina and her mother began to worry when he failed to return. The next day when Marina went for a walk in the woods, she discovered her father’s corpse. You can understand how she must have felt. She buried the bodies with the assistance of Freya.

Why did this happen to Marina?

Evidently, Marina was shocked to be faced with such a situation. She was a schoolgirl, accustomed to standing on the sidelines as she went about her business and did not cause trouble. Her best friend Freya was the bad one, but even in her wildest dreams did she imagine being a hit woman was an easy job. It was going to be very challenging for Marina, but she had no other choice. The only breadwinner in the family had been her father, her mother was disabled and unable to work and she was too young to work. This, in effect, meant her father’s job had to be done and it had to be done quietly. For both her father and mother, she was dutiful. She did not want to imagine how her mother would feel upon hearing about her father’s passing, so she had to wait to tell her mother. Marina took on all chores, paying the args for utilities food, and all, and told her mother and father to do any of this before he went away and left them all.

It was Thomas who had taught Marina how to use a gun as a safety measure since she was young. As a result, when it finally came to execution, Marina already was familiar with shooting a gun and quite good at it. She commenced her shooting labeled as a killing spree, killing one target after the other. However, the truth of the matter is that she had all these feelings bottled up inside her chest, as she was mad at Mr. Freeman for being the reason why her dad’s life was taken away. Mr. Poe, too received her disdain since it was he who sent her father for this life-threatening assignment. Because she was a “sweet little girl,” no one actually saw it coming that Marina had come to assassinate someone which made it all the more easier for her to do her job. But subsequently, people began to talk that Mr. Poe had engaged a little girl to do his illegal work. Freeman, though furious at the outrage, had a son about the same age as Marina. Despite being a gangster, he would not have wanted to expose a young child to danger. So he dispatched Mr. Poe to attempt to put an end to this madness with a threat that he would murder him if he failed to do so. Although, Mr. Poe wasn’t pleased with the conditions so he turned around and decided to threaten Marina.

He took refuge in the next target location in order to investigate the killer of this ‘sweet little girl.’ As soon as he laid eyes on Marina, he assaulted her with the intent to kill. Even though she was able to escape, he trailed her to her house with the ulterior motive of murdering her. Luckily for her, Ruth was present. To defend her daughter, she shot Mr. Poe in the back and killed him, as a mother ought to have done.

This indicates one thing, Ruth was completely aware that Thomas was dead. Nevertheless, a hitman’s wife is not as soft; she has been through it all and is indeed prepared for the worst situations possible. She was amused that other Marina had been able to manage herself so well on her own all this while for what had ensued, she never expected. But what lies in store for them? I believe that mother and daughter now will become a Lady gang and everyone who challenges them shall be brought down. Now that would be interesting to narrate, right?

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