JURASSIC ISLAND is an awful dino movie from, director Dominic Ellis. There are films that, when you watch them you find it difficult to understand their existence and so boring JURASSIC ISLAND is one of those. It feels low-effort and poorly constructed. JURASSIC ISLAND is an astonishingly uninteresting dino/zombie mashup that manages to do almost nothing of note.
Don’t bother trying to catch up on the JURASSIC PARK films because JURASSIC ISLAND has nothing to do with those films. It struggles to include any attempts at zombies or dinosaurs.
Ava (Sarah T. Cohen) is searching for her father (Tony Goodall) on a quest to Jurassic Island. She has a couple of friends to help her. Jamila Wingett plays Cassie, an overly ambitious academic who goes in search of interesting places, while Ava’s boyfriend Luke (Alistair Stoneman) tags along as the group’s unfortunate mascot. They hire a slightly drunk boat captain Michael (Ricardo Freitas) and head off on what I assume is supposed to be a fun-filled trip.
By the time they learn about their appointed task, they get a hint regarding the predicament the latest crew might have faced. They find some blood-sucking leeches that can turn people into zombies and, naturally, this is a dinosaur island, so the risk is everywhere.
A discussion about the dinosaurs that have been featured in this movie is absolutely necessary, as it makes jaws drop in wonder which is a total juxtaposition from dinosaurs that I have seen recently which have been way more animated or fierce. The dinosaurs in this movie wouldn’t deceive even the most naïve of infants (refer to the trailer if you don’t trust me). So lame. These characters that resemble stickers slowly walk across the screen and roar. But of course, there is no way the effects can create any kind of suspense and to be perfectly honest, that approach looks more pathetic than anything else. It’s worse than a YouTube video.
JURASSIC ISLAND serves comedy in horrible CGI, making it terrible in every aspect. It could have aimed to be as good as Tammy and the T-Rex or the Sharknado series which were unquestionably absurd, but entertaining. For a movie with both zombies and dinosaurs in it, none could imagine how unsurprisingly boring this movie turns out to be. It is truly astonishing to forget how diabolically horrific these movies are.
Proportion Productions, shoddy filmmakers are known for some bangers like Bats, Pet Graveyard, and Hatched. They in collaboration with Hendersin-Ellis filmed Medusa, Below the Surface, and Chinese Girls in London. The cinematographer/ director Dominic Ellis focused on lazy movies using M out of 10. I do not recommend paying attention to this movie and the amount of effort from the cast, writers, and directors is astonishingly low.
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