Jacob the Baker (2023)



The experience this movie offers is quite unique thanks to the great acting by two actors which are Dara Emery who plays the reporter, and Noah benShea who plays “Noah”. The film, directed by Gev Miron, centers around a baker named Jacob who provides people with spiritual advice as if he was a real person. In fact, Noah is the one who plays Jacob, and Noah’s agenda is to help people overcome their difficulties with great advice.

The movie starts with a female reporter answering a phone call that wakes her up. The call is in relation to covering an interview with Noah and his imaginary character Jacob. On the phone, she is heard telling her manager that she wants “hard news stories”, not the feel good ones. To some degree, it is more than just a job and is actually a “calling” to her. She tells her supervisor Frank that “I’m dying here” while requesting him to provide her with a “real story”. Her plan is to ask for hard news and she will be bound to take the story because of her wishes.

Despite being late, she meets with Noah the creator of “Jacob the Baker” Noah explains to the reporter that there is more than one book about Jacob. The fictional Jacob is a man working in a bakery, and to help get through his day emotionally, he keeps writing notes to himself. He is a nice young man, and one day he writes a note that ends up in a lady’s loaf of bread. The lady gets invested and ends up meeting Jacob, who tells her about his prayers and as Noah says, Jacob is trying to be a pillar of strength. Noah, the creator of “Jacob the Baker,” receives global letters scribing to him requesting help from ‘Jacob.’ The reporter questions Noah, saying, “What is he, Santa Claus?” Noah tells her that Jacob is a figure set to assist one during their weakest state. According to him, everybody has their own demons to fight against which they sometimes lose to, and Jacobs is there to support. “In many regards, Jacob and I share the same life,” Noah says, “But I have my imperfections.”

Letters are being sent to and from Jacob with people from all walks of life. One is from a single mother struggling to raise her son alone because his father has walked out.

Her expression, “If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans,” carries much more meaning than one would expect. And also seems deeply personal.

She is trying to become the mother she wished she had. In her words, she has decided to start from Milan, ‘I am a mother in need of mothering.’ Noah explains that children are resilient An average child falls 300 hundred times during the learning process of walking. “Don’t let your children confuse falling with failing,” he advises. He encourages her to recognize that all parents have a child within them that seeks love. He tries to counsel a man who has an unengaged marriage, and in consolation, the man ends up having an affair. He asks, what chance of hope is there? One other person, in Israel, struggles with drinking and pills after serving as a soldier and later in the police. One more is in deep debt.

There are a plethora of angles you can approach this film. For instance, we see good and inspirational quotes like, “If you want to receive love, give love,” or, “Spend time with your children.” Noah makes the claim that people will get knocked down, but they will get back up and “carry on.” Besides, Noah talks about future generations and how one should kiss their children, not in order to give them back, but so that they can someday give their own children kisses. And candidly speaking, that life will pour down on a person at times.

There are scriptural remarks, like the man fighting with alcohol and who is without hope, when he says, “I am David without a stone in the valley of despair.” Also, Noah speaks of Jesus and the The Golden Rule and praying. Yet, there is concern when the character of Noah starts to endorse other religions, like an Islamic caliph, who said if you want the blessings of Allah, then be kind. Then, the kind Buddhist, and that these believers of all religions are one religion is if they are kind. As Dove believes in Judeo/Christian doctrines, this utterance that all religions can be one religion does, in our view, mitigate the need to accept Christ’s suffering on the cross for the sins of the world. While it is true kindness is important, Christ’s sacrifice is even more important. Unfortunately, in our view, the movie misses the target in making that clear.

Points are given to the movie for its focus on caring for others and showing kindness. Any parents that would be watching this film with their kids should have a discussion afterwards regarding the kindness shown in the movie and also Christ’s sacrifice. This movie has “Dove Reviewed.”

In summary, the film promotes kindness which sets a growth opportunity for parents to elaborate on how Christ also showed His kindness and love and His sacrifice on the cross.

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