If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing

If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing

For me, the funniest element about If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing is that it was made by a director who is only slightly older than the characters in this movie she is just 20 years old! Even Sophie Bones, who also has a cameo, plays the mother of teenage pregnancy in the light and engaging takes on Juno. It was ripe for such a take, despite the fact that many of its characters are deeply one-dimensional. The focus is on Sydnie (Aitana Doyle, pleasant accompaniment), who has an unfortunate instance of noticing her pregnancy out of the blue after breaking up with her college hopeful boyfriend, dipshit Lucas (Braxton Fannin).

There are strange shifts of character, such as the love triangle that seems to be crafted for the sake of it halfway through the storyline, Lucas’s change of heart on becoming a father, or even the first hint he gets as to the sex of the baby. However, Bones does infuse some really good and inspiring sequences into the mix that help to bring If That Mockingbird Don’t Sing to a level above your average regional film festival indie. When Carrie, Lucas’s mother (Catherine Curtin) argues with Sydnie, the two women seem rather to be in league with each other than having sequels. Such moments help in catering to the needs of the audience who are tired of romantic comedies with overqualified supporting actors. Not that it’s all of singingly high quality, but enough in proving that Bones can be an original young voice in indie storytelling.

All American could be viewed as one of the simpler documentaries in Heartland but it is undoubtedly touching in its content. What the girls’ wrestling movement in Mark Andrew Altschul’s movie lacks on the wrestling mat, the film sure as hell contains the complexities within the characters’ lives off the mat. The movie is not primarily focused on the immigrant narrative but the three girls are American daughters, growing up in different parts of New York, which happens to be the case for many first-generation Americans.

Altschul also highlights obstacles the girls face, not just in terms of mastering the sport, but rather idealizing their self-image within their family, friends, and communities. Perhaps the most moving fiber of the plot is played by a girl who moved in with her family who migrated from Yemen and was thrown out of the house for wanting to join a sport a fight her parents regarded as unfit for women. This is very much consistent with other characters whose parents were traditionally protecting girls and not encouraging them to join outside endeavors. However, it’s pleasantly surprising that so many girls fought the stigma and the need for acceptance, and in the end, that’s what makes All American such a strong film.

There is nothing that can draw a person’s hatred towards the K-drama 2:15 PM, as it is directed by Seryong Jeong for the first time with a script written out by Ok-nyeon Park. The movie for some reason reminded me of Hirokazu Kore-eda’s Monster, a film he has screened in Heartland and was among the favorite films for the previous year. But what the former tends to miss is the caliber of the latter which is its depth to explore that goes beyond the screen which is all the glory and mess that occurs after the credits roll.

The plot of Jeong’s film revolves around two girls interpreted by Park So-yi and Gi So You who begin to bond although their lives are not easy. Hyun-Su (Park So-yi) is on her way from school when she meets Min-ha (Gi So-you) who is crying after her father has broken a window when he was angry. Looking at Min-ha is so sad and feeling lonely, Hyun-su decides to visit her every day. It is nice to see Jeong’s touch on weak elements integrating drama, like giving depth to the character of Min-ha’s domestic violence father and the case of Hyun-su moving to Canada. The fact that he is able to accomplish all of this in a span of 75 minutes is remarkable but still, I feel like there could be more to the story if I were to invest my time in watching such a film.

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