“Hijacked: Flight 285” is arguably the worst thriller any person has ever seen, as it does not have thrills, plotting or tension. Its only saving grace is Hall, who provides an irritating performance as the movie’s ‘psycho-kidnapper-murderer-turn-hijacker’.
The film begins the same way as most Irwin Allen movies do where different characters are introduced. In the movie these characters include a young daughter with her drunk mother, an angry, drunk father, a handicapped veteran from the Vietnam war and both a female pilot, who is composed and Brave, and his playboy co-worker.
People who have watched “The Towering Inferno” will be able to tell who dies the most nobly, who shows courage, and who perishes out of fear in this disaster film moral play.
Hall portrays a violent criminal being flown on a commercial plane to Leavenworth prison. However, he is freed by Hudson Leick and mercenary James Lancaster. The three manage to take over the plane and steal it, demanding 20 million dollars as well as an audience with FBI agents Perry King and Ally Sheedy, who specializes in negotiation. There is a reason for this, as Hall, King, and Sheedy once crossed paths, which left a young girl dead and Hall in prison.
Hall commands that the aircraft touch down in Dallas. As he does, his crew starts to intimidate everyone on board. To their surprise, the passengers put up strong resistance, making it hard for the criminals. Unable to go to the cockpit, Hall begins rudely awakening passengers. He stumbles with bulging eyes around the aisles until, fortunately, a SWAT team storms the plane and shoots him.
Aids might be lured by the marquee value of the stars in “Hijacked”: Sheedy in a nicely restrained performance where she battles her Valley Girl accent and Hall, along with James Brolin, the always likable Michael Gross and Leck, who last season had a juicy role in “Melrose Place.” But the characters are thinly sketched, and like most of the time the ensemble of actors seems rather aimless.
Although Telepic picks up the pace after the first hour, Charles Carrell’s direction does take some of the telepic drama out of it and, to be fair, he doesn’t have too much to work with when given a script based on a stupid premise to begin with.
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