Gracie and Pedro: Pets to the Rescue (2024)

Gracie and Pedro: Pets to the Rescue (2024)

Gracie & Pedro: Pets to the Rescue” is a cartoon that is graphic, busy, and ugly to watch, and it is certainly not one of the better-animated films of the year, but let’s be realistic, it is among some of the worst movies this year, and certainly, it joins the list of my most loathed ones.

I wish I could go easy on it like this It would seem that “Gracie & Pedro” was the end product for only kids of around five years and below and not much older siblings, or parents for that matter. There’s no way in which real adults can be envisioned actually watching this. But even as a way of entertaining the children for 90 minutes, the film by directors Kevin Donovan and Gottfried Roodt does not even qualify as entertaining. The sense of imagination is nonexistent, the sense of purpose is missing. Quite noticeably so, younger ages will easily be disturbed by the terrifying character design caused by rubber stretching round faces and mouths that look animated to say something while the character does not actually utter a word through their mouth. (And no, the film is not a foreign film that has English subtitles so the dialogue would have been expected to have been recorded in another language.) Such a case applies to animals and humans alike. I would rather stare at a white wall.

Now suppose you are watching this movie with your kids, but they are the ones who control what to watch.

You might consider at first How horrible can it be when you have Susan Sarandon, Danny Trejo, Brooke Shields, and Bill Nighy in the voice cast. But then it does not take a genius to understand that these experienced professionals are hardly present, and even when they are, their voices have been so heavily modified, technologically, that they bear no semblance to the original sound.

And to top it all, the fact that the cause for which the protagonists of the screenplay undertake a road trip is a complete make-believe and absolutely off the wall is unpardonable. A talking animal movie does not call for the audience to lay all their hopes in logic, but this is simply ludicrous.

Gracie (malaise) is a snooty American spaniel whose show-grooming requirements are through the roof. And you can tell as she has an order of the day, a bow which, wait for it, is mussed into her gossamer strand of hair. Next, we have Pedro (Cory Doran), a rude and brazen New York-type street cat. Their fighting is like never-ending sniping cat and dog biting exchanges which are pure and simple pun-based sitcoms. Unfortunately however when the family they stay with relocates from Los Angeles to Salt Lake, they resort to the likes of jamming both pets into a teacup-sized container and shoving them into an aircraft belly.

Are you joking? Even the most cut-throat budget air companies wouldn’t put this kind of abuse up with.

They could not have simply placed every pet on a different carrier. And what sort of moronic parents thought this plan was practical? It would be funny to witness squabbling animals crammed into a small room and forced to share the same space, but it is instead absurd and utterly inhumane.

The bottom line is, that Gracie and Pedro’s fighting is so intense that they throw the complex cargo conveyor belt system out of order. They do not step into the aircraft but are forced to travel over the country to Utah via bus and train with the help of complete strangers. Some attempt such, including Sarandon’s character who is a rabbit assisting with a magic show en route to Las Vegas. (And it is true, she has sunglasses on, thus the title. This is the level of creativity in the screenplay which was unfortunately written by three people). Some try to devour them up, like the carry voiced by Nighy who plays a condor which is menacing and probably scary to the kids this film is made for.

Now, back in Salt Lake City, daughter Sophie (Bianca Alongi) and her younger silent brother Gavin, understandably panic when they learn that their cherished pets are nowhere to be found.

Sophie becomes the star of a music video, the purpose of which is to find them, but it becomes a hit. She has the most awkward and strangulation type of voice, but we hear her a lot as she is in charge, while the rest of the adults around her are helpless.

Since the condor must already have been terrifying enough, the most terrifying climax is the setting of a derelict amusement park where the children must be put on the line with a poorly constructed roller coaster, nice!

If you are in the mood to see an animated film that can be enjoyed by all the family and animals getting into ridiculous slapstick messes, I would suggest watching any of the delightful and hilarious Wallace & Gromit shorts or features or literally anything else but this.

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