In the past, it would be fair to say that one Lifetime movie quickly blended into another and she was just another one that got lost in all the productions coming out of the Hollywood factory. However, within the span of just a year or so, Lifetime has established itself as a channel that can present good plots and use a prime cast of actors. In the fresh release, “Girl in the Video,” Tia May Watts and Andrew Lee Potts gave such outstanding performances that you would not wish to blink an eye at any moment. The script is very interesting, and the storyline satisfies the required thriller that has to be offered in the film by its director, Neil Rawles. Spoilers Ahead!
The movie begins with Mo, a mother of two children, preparing herself for a date with a dude arranged by her pouty friend, Jennifer. The date fails, and Mo goes back home to her daughter Krissy. They have a daughter, Krissy, and a son, Robbie both of whom love their mother so much because they understand how hard it is for her with no father figure at home. Their father was a soldier who lost his life in the war. Anyway, Robbie, being the eldest son of the house, automatically assumes responsibilities and tries his utmost to fulfill Krissy’s dreams.
Toby Toby. Krissy remembers how she begged her mother to let her attend a party, but Mo scoffed at the idea, understanding the mother’s requirement to stay longer than intended at the party. Krissy later shows Luna a picture she took with a boy named Toby. She states she wants to convince her mother to go to the party to meet Toby. Krissy completely neglects Cheli’s food while Mo remains rigid in her place, indicating that she’s not going to allow her daughter to go out partying. Later during the day, as Mo is asleep watching TV, Krissy gets up from bed, and informs Toby through text messages that she is on her way to the party. Krissy arrives and is shocked to see a masked man instead of Toby. This man grabs Krissy, places her in the car, and binds her hands.
The next day when she goes to Mo’s room, Mo realizes Krissy is nowhere to be found. She makes attempts to contact her cell and also other mutual friends. But there is no hint of where Krissy could have been. Even Jennifer and Robbie make maximum attempts to seek information about Krissy’s whereabouts, but they have also failed. Mo decides to contact the police after almost 12 hours have passed in silence. Lt. Audrey appears at the house and Mo explains certain things telling for example that Krissy wanted to go to this party. To Audrey, it seems appropriate to try to find Krissy by means of her cell phone – triangulation. This is a technique that gets verification of the nearest cellular tower employed by Krissy.
But later, that same evening, an unflattering clip hits cyberspace, which depicts a masked man torturing Krissy. Aware of the grisly nature of the incident, Lt. Audrey contacts the FBI. The feds send Agent Ray to take charge of the matter. Mo receives confirmation about the girl from the video, saying that it is Krissy, and she is being traced through the IP. Luna acknowledges that Krissy did refer to a boy named Toby who was said to be at the party. But when the police investigate further and go to the location of the house of Toby, they realize that he has been dead for two years.
Subsequently, Ray learns that Toby’s account on a social media site was sold on the Dark Web for 8 dollars and it was purchased. To this identification, a guy puts together a new set of friends so that Krissy is unable to raise any doubts about Toby. The abductor also sent a text to Krissy from another account claiming to be Toby’s friend inviting her to the party. There was no possibility for Krissy to know that this man had planned everything so carefully. As the man lacks any online presence, law enforcement agencies are finding it harder to track him down.
Krissy has limited freedom as she is chained to a wall and is offered a mattress and meals. She is enduring some form of suffering at a higher frequency. She can be seen in videos on the internet that are being streamed by a kidnapper. In the worst possible turns of events, people are actually paying to watch the content provided by the kidnappers. Although, throughout the hostage situation, Krissy focuses on her kidnapper, as time passes, she becomes more interested in him. With time, the abductor develops feelings for Krissy as she constantly praises his family. One day, however, the mask comes off and the man, Jack Sweeney, begs Krissy to call him by his name.
Jack goes so far as to share the image of his daughter, Molly, with Krissy. He claims, however, that his ex-wife has kidnapped their daughter Molly from him. He loves that child very much, but due to his ex-wife separating them, he feels despair about the loss of his daughter Molly. He does much better, though, saying that Molly still drops by every once in a while as she loves visiting him. To calm him down, Krissy argues that if his daughter had not loved him, she would have never visited him.
In the meantime, Krissy manages to get a hold of a screwdriver and has decided to keep it on her. One day, she intends to use it and even swing it at him but is unable to injure him in any way. However, when Jack focuses all his attention on getting back at Krissy for hitting him when he is about to go live, Krissy calls out his name, ‘Jack S’. Before she finishes the name, Jack puts his hand over her mouth. This provides a clue to the police. Still, it isn’t very useful when there is a matter of a name starting from Jack and a pet name from ‘S.’
Unable to find anything that appears to be working in their favor, Mo resorts to losing her cool and even striking Agent Ray. But she makes a mistake, she regrets the actions and is prepared to apologize to him. Agent Ray himself sees the state of affairs and seeks out Lt. Audrey to try and arrange another press conference where Jack Michael Marken would mess up somewhere. Well, that shouldn’t lead to a positive outcome during the whole process. One day, Robbie switches on his console so he can play a game and finds out quite an interesting feature.
He understands that when he was away, Krissy was having fun and that in the chat, Krissy was conversing with Molly. Robbie goes ahead and makes such a report to the authorities and Agent Ray comments on the matter, saying that the chat is very sensitive for instance knowing the age of the person which is Krissy in this case, her family, and so on. He also states that someone posing as a victim often asks such questions in order to get information about the victim. Fortunately, almost every console has a registration which gives away the location of Molly. The police look for her location in hopes that they could rescue her. Instead, they discover Molly Sweeney together with her mother living a quiet life.
Molly says that she had left her console at her father’s place over Thanksgiving. Lt. Audrey goes there and finds out that Krissy is asleep on a bed somewhere in the basement. Jack is captured at the place of work and Krissy goes to the hospital for treatment. Jack has never expected such an arrest. While being in her mother’s arms, Krissy is spotted crying in the arms of her brother. This is based upon real-life incidents which brings up the feel of the film as being close to us, the audience.
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