For Prophet

For Prophet

I’m sure there’s no need for me to remind you that terrible things can easily happen to decent human beings and that there’s injustice, death, and sickness. I’m sure we all know what the answer is simply because we can see it for ourselves.

There is more evil present in this world than good. So it is much easier to say there exists an evil than to ever have to say there exists any good in this world. We quickly forget the good and wonderful happenings around us as well as the fact that it’s never all dark when we face hardships, pain, loss, and suffering.

A new film, For Prophet, debuted on July 26th. In it, an angel struggles against a demon who has taken an interest in a person named Damon. The film demonstrates that there is a presence of both good and evil in this world and that all it takes is a shift in perspective to focus on the good rather than the bad.

What Do You See?

A fundamental dilemma we may say a blind spot about our faith is posed in the movie For Prophet: it’s easy to presume you believe in demons, but why would you never presuppose that you believe in angels? This made me think about how the world is so easy to accept the evil and the bad, jer in practice good is not affirmative.

Damon professes to be an atheist, but it is evident that he still fears God. However, he focuses on his negatives and is pissed off at God. He is not alone but is haunted by an evil spirit who intensifies his grief, anxiety, hurt, and loss.

However, it is Damon’s brother’s prayer that changes the story, in response to it an angel called Raphael appears. The latter, in female form, appears to Damon and informs him that he has been chosen by God to perform the role of a prophet and save his city from destruction.

Though Damon said that he didn’t believe in God, he did indeed believe in the demon who was giving him sleepless nights. Damon had a clear view of this demon who roamed about with a camera and spoke the thoughts that were constantly circulating in Damon’s head.

Damon was riddled with self-destructive thoughts that were not only angering but were the main reason for Damon’s fear of being around anyone, most especially his wife. No amount of Damon’s belief was likely to help him since his head was full of terror, and he obeyed the commands of the demon who resided in his life.

What Do You Hear?

As classified by IMDB, For Prophet is a comedy family drama. However, throughout the movie, I was filled with emotions. I empathized with Damon there and thought that the demon in his life had an annoying voice that was always ever raised and always full of pain. This, in turn, made it extremely challenging to keep up with the events occurring within the scenes on the screen. There were dozens of voices that were overlapping each other, and the voice of the demon was the one that was the most dominant.

Despite the discomfort that the movie’s dialogue causes as well as the challenges in making meaning of it, it nonetheless draws the viewer’s sympathy to what Damon is dealing with.

The internal monologue of everyone’s own brain along with the external voices that are being dealt with are factors we all understand. Looking at the film, I would imagine what Damon went through to achieve this level. It was tense at some point but I was constantly engaged in everything that was taking place in the film.

How Would You Handle The Situation?

Here, there’s a conflict – what should Damon do? An angel and the demon constantly barrage him throughout the film, commanding him how to act. More than once, the topics of free will and conquering are voiced. There is much for Damon still to understand, let alone the fact that the demon makes it difficult to fight back and free oneself from the hold.

His journey of self-discovery appears riddled with conflicts, especially when it comes to his desires, aspirations, and purpose. It doesn’t come easy for him and the themes of forgiveness, joy, and confidence are not visible in Damon’s psyche. He struggles with his inner voice as days go by and he is unable to chart the next course of action. No answers or no truth can be revealed; it is only Damon who can seek and find them.

A Dark Burden

For Prophet was a good, entertaining movie. The conflicts that the protagonist had to face deeply appealed to me, making it rather personal. Every shot was embedded with a sense of urgency. As much as For Prophet is intended to be a comedy, I ended up shedding tears more than laughter in most scenes.

I am no theologian, but the Christian undertones seem to be incoherent in this movie. There are words around free will, and submission, yes, even the Holy Spirit. However, a mention of Jesus, I do not remember.

There is certainly further development of Raphael’s androgynous character and explanations surrounding it. One of the things I find most interesting about the role of Archangel Raphael is that he appears only briefly but always in the same book the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, sacred to Roman Catholics and considered apocryphal by Protestants.

These deep theological topics can’t be fully discussed in a movie but are quickly touched on throughout.

In general, For Prophet is a Christian movie worth recommending since it perfectly illustrates certain challenges that every man goes through. The themes portrayed in this movie are real and true as they depict what every person encounters in their life.

Change Your Perspective

After watching For Prophet, I was left thinking why we do not believe in angels, why we do not look for goodness in this world.

There is no debate that the other world already exists. And if we were able to turn things around – and see, hear, and do what we could, then life would be different. This is not a religious or prophetic statement. Those who profess such beliefs should read their Bible. It has wisdom which is useful in every season.

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