Flyboys (2006)



The resemblance Franco has with James Dean is supper uncanny as Franco was the ideal choice for the Osborn character in the “Spider-Man” Film series. Franco has become a house hold name, but unfortunately the same cannot be said when it comes to his other roles. In 2006 alone Franco starred in awkward, unimpressive films such as “Tristan & Isolde,” “Annapolis,” and “The Great Raid.” Sadly, he even had cameos in movies like the “Wicker Man”. The only movie that allowed Franco to showcase his entire acting range is “The Ape,” which he co-wrote and directed.

The new film “Flyboys,” starring Franco as Texan farmer-turned-soldier Blaine Rawlings, depicts the family ranch’s loss as a motivation for enlisting into the Lafayette Escadrille, a battalion of American soldiers who supported the French in World War I. Franco’s character fights with the French before America joins the war, which adds an interesting twist to the already captivating real world story.

The film is directed by Tony Bill, who offers a unique blend of experience with romance and television shows under his belt. Even though Bill seems like an odd choice at first glance, he implements all of his skills in character-driven storytelling and romance into a broader scope of World War I, complete with battle sequences and dogfights between fighter jets. His diverse range of experience and expertise help him create a captivating storyline that portrays the fierce realities of war.

Despite all of this, expecting “Flyboys” to match the intensity and grittiness of “Saving Private Ryan” or “The Thin Red Line” would be a mistake. Think of Montgomery Clift or William Holden “Flyboys” has an emphasis on theatrics over action packed sequences and much softer portrayal of brotherhood and friendship as opposed to fighting.

The predictability of the characters in ‘Flyboys,” who are created by Phil Sears (“The Ripper Man”) and Blake Evans, a veteran cinematographer, comes as no surprise. Besides Franco’s ultra-masculine farmer, there exists a young aristocrat who is a father’s failure (Tyler Labine), a young black American boxer who fled America because of its racism (Abdul Salis), a young man whose family tribe is composed of soldiers (Phillip Winchester), the stereotypical Christian (Michael Jibson) and many others.

In terms of lack of added conflict for the new recruits, “Flyboys” is somewhat new. The cliche “hard ass” soldier with twenty body counts, Reed Cassidy (Martin Henderson), is jaded, but within cynicism, affection lies. Therefore, again, the film emphasizes camaraderie over conflict and creates a black-and-white world of good and evil – or in this case, French and Germans.

The is completely unnecessary of course. It is, however, so guileless and carefree that the actual plot serves as a backdrop for the chaos inherent in war. It also gives Franco an opportunity to display his machismo as he heroically rescues the French woman and three children from the Germans as they storm the village.

The unpleasant flaw in this movie “Flyboys” is that it is corny. However, there exists both a simplistic and friendly side in it that cannot be ignored. It is a delightful delight in a certain frame. Every actor in the cast is presented towards the end although their collective performance as an ensemble is a better portrayal.

However, Franco’s lighthearted romantic humor fails to single out his character’s romance. In the contrary, it benefits him in action sequences and while interacting with other pilots. His love interest in the movie, played by Jennifer Decker, is a French woman and does a very good job in a consistently charming performance.

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